You have to write an answer based on this writing, a minimum of 200

You have to write an answer based on this writing, a minimum of 200 words. You need to add references and quotes, do not use the same references that appear in the writing.


Health is an essential element of life. Poor and good health is attributed to certain factors in different communities. The health care beliefs are shaped by factors such as education level and economic level. These beliefs influence the delivery of evidence-based health care, either positively or negatively. Health care practitioners must aim to understand these beliefs in order to attend to patients adequately. This paper discusses the health care beliefs of two heritages: French-Canadian and German cultures. It also points out the similarities between their beliefs and personal heritage beliefs.

Health Care beliefs of German heritage and how it influences the delivery of evidence-based health care

The individuals that pertain to this culture value and prioritize health care. Whenever a person gets sick, they quickly seek professional medical attention. They believe in both preventive and curative measures and take both of these measures. For example, one may avoid being rained on for fear of developing a fever. In Germany, there are high standards of health care, and at least 92% of their citizens are insured. Those who are not insured in public insurance companies are wealthy. Alternatively, they can insure themselves in private insurance companies. There are no uses of over-the-counter drugs and this culture also stigmatizes mental illness (Von et al. 2019).

Moreover, these beliefs affect the delivery of evidence-based health care in a positive manner. The fact that people are insured implies that people can access health care easily, regardless of their economic status. This means that nurses will attend to as many people as possible and assess their services’ effectiveness. It is important that they do not use over-the-counter drugs, and also renders professional care more effective. Patients are easy to follow instructions from doctors and take medications as prescribed. They take professional advice seriously, and doctors can easily monitor the effectiveness of evidence-based health care. Since they do not use traditional medicine, the effectiveness of evidence-based care is better enhanced.

Health care beliefs of French-Canadian heritage and how it influences the delivery of evidence-based health care

French-Canadian people have different ways of referring to parts of their bodies, infections, and illnesses. For example, they refer to gonorrhea as chaudepisse (Collange et al. 2016). In terms of nutrition, they tend to believe dietary recommendations, especially if they are personalized to their genetic profiles. They also believe that people who suffer from chronic pain cannot visit a psychologist unless they are also suffering from depression. However, the French-Canadians report a high level of trust for health care practitioners, whom they believe are well trained and have enough experience to handle their illness.

Furthermore, since these people that belong to this heritage have a unique way of referring to parts of the bodies and some illnesses, nurses and physicians must be familiar with the use of the right terminologies for effective communication between them and the patients. Nurses are also supposed to avoid the use of the familiar “tu” form when interacting with older patients because it is considered disrespectful. The trust that the patients have for medical practitioners enhances the effectiveness of evidence-based health care. They tend to follow instructions as recommended by physicians and nurses which impacts the effectiveness of the care being provided in an incredibly positive way.

Similarities between health care beliefs of German Heritage, French-Canadian, and my Heritage

Although I arrived at an early age to this country, I belong to the Cuban heritage, which serves as the base for the beliefs and values of my family and me. In my culture and German culture, mental illness is stigmatized. Also, in both cases, the community takes preventive and curative measures. Compared to the French-Canadian health care beliefs and practices, both heritages have a stigma against certain diseases. In my culture, people who are mentally sick are highly stigmatized. Among the French-Canadian culture, people suffering from chronic pain are stigmatized as well.

If I were to change my health care beliefs, I would choose German heritage because of their advancements in health care. This culture is strict on matters of health and value professional health care more than other cultures that seek traditional and divine services when they get sick, which are sometimes not effective. The fact that mostly everyone is insured means that I can access proper medical attention even when I am not economically stable. In such a community, nurses and other health practitioners can easily deal with patients with less cultural restrictions that may hinder professional care less effective.


To conclude, the two cultures discussed exhibit a health care approach that influences the delivery of health care services. Both heritages value the role of professional health care and trust medical practitioners. Among the French-Canadians, certain diseases are commonly stigmatized. They also have special names for some conditions and body parts. Physicians have to comprehend their language behavior to give them proper attention and care (Phelan et al. 2010). Nurses are presented daily with different cultures and belief systems that they must accept and respect. Only this way will they be able to provide adequate patient care.


Collange, F., Verger, P., Launay, O., &Pulcini, C. (2016). Knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of general practitioners/family physicians toward their own vaccination: A systematic review. Human vaccines &immunotherapeutics,12(5), 1282-1292.

Phelan, J. C., Link, B. G., & Tehranifar, P. (2010). Social conditions as fundamental causes of health inequalities: theory, evidence, and policy implications.Journal of health and social behavior,51(1_suppl), S28-S40.

Von Lersner, U., Gerb, J., Hizli, S., Waldhuber, D., Wallerand, A. F., Bajbouj, M., … & Hahn, E. (2019). The stigma of mental illness in Germans and Turkish immigrants in Germany: The effect of causal beliefs. Frontiers in psychiatry, 10, 46.

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Health care beliefs and practices vary across different communities and cultures. Health care practitioners must understand these beliefs to provide effective evidence-based health care. This paper examines and compares the health care beliefs of German and French-Canadian cultures and identifies similarities with the Cuban heritage.

Health Care Beliefs of German Heritage and How It Influences the Delivery of Evidence-based Health Care:
German people prioritize health care and promptly seek professional medical attention. They trust preventive and curative measures and avoid over-the-counter drugs. The fact that 92% of Germans are insured, with private insurance available for the wealthy, ensures that everyone has access to health care services, which significantly impacts the delivery of evidence-based health care positively. Nurses can attend to more people and monitor treatment effectiveness because patients follow professionals’ recommended treatment plans. The prohibition of traditional medicine increases the effectiveness of evidence-based care.

Health Care Beliefs of French-Canadian Heritage and How It Influences the Delivery of Evidence-based Health Care:
French-Canadian people have unique names for some conditions and body parts, and medical practitioners must understand their language to provide proper care. They also believe in personalized dietary recommendations and have a high level of trust in health care practitioners. However, they stigmatize people with chronic pain, and mental illness is stigmatized, affecting the delivery of evidence-based health care negatively.

Similarities between Health Care Beliefs of German, French-Canadian, and Cuban Heritage:
Both German and Cuban heritage stigmatize mental illness. French-Canadian and Cuban heritage stigmatize chronic pain, and language can hinder effective communication with medical practitioners.

Understanding and respecting health care beliefs and practices of different cultures is essential for effective evidence-based health care delivery. Health care practitioners must be familiar with cultural beliefs and practices and provide appropriate care.

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