Year End Performance Review

The Year End Performance Review Form is the final, annual review of your performance by your manager. The focus of the Year End Performance Review is to review progress and achievement of objectives set at the beginning and throughout the year. The Year End Performance Review Form provides you with the opportunity to describe what results were achieved and how you achieved them. Think about the actions you took to progress toward your objectives and the key milestones you reached along the way. Additional resources are included on the Help & Tutorials tab. Use the space provided to assess your progress and achievement of each objective. Include any supporting comments that describe the results you achieved and how you were able to achieve them. Additionally, review the Kroger Leadership Model behaviors to help you share how you progressed towards achieving your objectives. Before your Year End Performance Review Discussion, your manager will review your objectives and supporting comments and include their comments as well. Performance Objectives 1. Continuous Improvement in Safety with goal of 0.90 FTE in the WHSE and 0.70 FTE in Trans with long term goal of 0. 4 or less chargeable in WHSE.

 o Q1 2018 – 1 OJI warehouse. o FTE: Warehouse 0.8; Transportation 0.0 o Q2 2018 – 1 OJI Warehouse. o FTE: Warehouse 0.73; Transportation 0.0 o Q3 2018 – 1 OJI Warehouse. o FTE: Warehouse 1.40; Transportation 0.0 2. Continous Improvement on Associate Engagement with a score of 87 in the WHSE and 84 in Trans for 2018. 3. Continuous Improvement on Quality in support of store in stocks which includes; PDT’s, Order Accuracy with the overall goal of site accuracy of 99.5% while auditing over 1.5% of cases shipped, Total Positive adjustments with goal of .40%, ORAD, and Sanitation.

 o Q1 2018 Claims = approved 349 claims, $143K; 1.10 % of deliveries vs last year 493 claims approved $141K; 1.55% of deliveries. o Q1 2018 Inventory Adj. 37K net 0.16% and total of 258K; 1.14% o Q1 2018 Units audited 1.95% of units shipped. o Order Accuracy % rate 99.85%. o Q2 2018 Claims = approved 271 claims, $77K; 1.16 % of deliveries vs last year 234 claims approved $75K; .97% of deliveries. o Q2 2018 Inventory Adj. 9K net 0.06% and total of 194.5K; 1.14% o Q2 2018 Units audited 1.72% of units shipped. o Order Accuracy % rate 99.96%. o Q3 2018 Claims: 580 approved claims, $72K; 1.0 % of deliveries vs last year 711 claims approved $120K; 1.15% of deliveries. o Q3 2018 Inventory Adj. 43K, Net 0.25% and Total of 260.8K, 1.54% o Q3 2018 Units Audited: 252K, 1.78% of units shipped. o Order Accuracy% rate 99.89%. 4. Achieve Kroger Way Plan by achieving absolute dollar budget, CPC, % to sales in both WHSE and Trans.  o Q1 2018 absolute$ warehouse- $13.62 mil vs. budget $13.64 mil vs. last year $13.65 mil. o Q1 2018 absolute $ transportation- $7.08 mil vs. budget $6.42 mil vs. last year $6.03 mil. o % to Sales Warehouse- Budget = 1.19%, Current = 1.20% o % to Sales Trans – Budget = 0.63%, Current = 0.56% o Q1 2018 CPC Warehouse – Actual = 0.539, Budget= 0.531, LY = 0.542 o Q1 2018 CPC Trans – Actual = 0.280, Budget = 0.250, LY = 0.240 o Q1 OT = 12.3% vs budget of 8.5% o Q1 WTW – actual =100.0, budget = 100.7, LY = 100.88 o Q2 2018 absolute$ warehouse- $10.9 mil vs. budget $10.50 mil vs. last year $10.77 mil. o Q2 2018 absolute $ transportation- $5.96 mil vs. budget $4.96 mil vs. last year $4.62 mil. o % to Sales Warehouse- Budget = 1.18%, Current = 1.08% o % to Sales Trans – Budget = 0.65%, Current = 0.51% o Q2 2018 CPC Warehouse – Actual = 0.574, Budget= 0.547, LY = 0.566 o Q2 2018 CPC Trans – Actual = 0.32, Budget = 0.250, LY = 0.240 o Q2 OT = 20.6% vs budget of 11.9% o Q2 WTW – actual =98.25, budget = 101.6, LY = 94.07 o Q3 2018 absolute$ warehouse- $10.18 mil vs. budget $10.40 mil vs. last year $10.15 mil. o Q3 2018 absolute $ transportation- $5.52 mil vs. budget $4.96 mil vs. last year $4.12 mil. o % to Sales Warehouse- Budget = 1.03%, Current = 1.11% o % to Sales Trans – Budget = 0.49%, Current = 0.60% o Q3 2018 CPC Warehouse – Actual = 0.553, Budget= 0.526, LY = 0.558 o Q3 2018 CPC Trans – Actual = 0.29, Budget = 0.250 o Q3 OT = 13.9% vs budget of 12.0% o Q3 WTW – actual =98.23, budget = 102.41, LY = 93.85 5. Kroger Leadership Model Behaviors – Strengths Review the Kroger Leadership Model behaviors and identify two leadership behaviors demonstrated as strengths throughout the year. Use the space provided below to explain why you chose each Kroger Leadership Model Behavior and discuss how you were able to effectively demonstrate these behaviors throughout the year. Additionally, think about how you will build on your strengths in the coming year. Kroger Leadership Model Behaviors – Area for Development Review the Kroger Leadership Model behaviors and identify one leadership behavior that is an area for development for the coming year. Use the space provided below to describe why you chose this behavior as an area for development and how you will improve on this area in the coming year.

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