What are the Data saying Directions: The purpose of this assignment is

What are the Data saying


The purpose of this assignment is to write a paper including a comparison table. The table will be provided as an appendix to the final paper.

Using the Library, locate a quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods article related to your DPI topic. You may reuse articles from Topic 1 assignment.

Using the “Comparative Table Template,” create a table that compares quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods articles. Provide the table as an appendix to the paper.  Template attached.

Organize the table according to the following.

1.     Type of article.

2.     Title of the article.

3.     Type of analysis: Describe the process of analysis. There can be more than one.

4.     Applicability of test: Describe other analyses that could be used and why?

5.     Reliability and validity: Describe either the reliability and validity measures of tools used in the study or the techniques used to enhance reliability and validity in the study.

Write a 1,000 to 1,250 word paper discussing the application of data analysis, reliability and validity, and assorted statistical tests used in health related research. Include the following in your paper:

1.     State the types of study used in each article.

2.     Discuss the types of statistical tests used within each article and why they have been chosen.

3.     Discuss the applicability of the chosen statistical test and why the statistical test was chosen.

4.     Discuss the differences between parametric and nonparametric tests and how they were applied in the articles you chose.

5.     Evaluate how the factors of reliability and validity are accounted for in the articles (of instruments and surveys or in the design and data collection conducted).

6.     Summarize how the chosen studies could be applied within the context of your practice.

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In the field of medicine, data analysis is a vital tool for understanding and interpreting research findings. It helps in identifying patterns, associations, and discrepancies within data sets. Reliability and validity measures are also essential in determining the robustness and accuracy of the research data. This paper aims to explore the application of data analysis, reliability and validity, and statistical tests used in health-related research by comparing quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods articles related to the DPI topic.

What are the Data Saying?
The three articles selected for this assignment explore various aspects related to the DPI topic through different research methodologies. The quantitative research article, “The Impact of Lifestyle Intervention on Blood Pressure and Body Mass Index in Hypertensive Patients,” aims to investigate the effectiveness of lifestyle interventions on reducing blood pressure and body mass index (BMI) in hypertensive patients. The qualitative research article, “Experience of Caregivers of Children with Cerebral Palsy in Rural Uganda,” aims to explore the experiences of caregivers of children with cerebral palsy in rural Uganda. The mixed-methods article, “Impact of Community-Based Rehabilitation Services on the Participation and Quality of Life of People with Disabilities in Malawi: A Randomized Controlled Trial,” aims to evaluate the effectiveness of community-based rehabilitation services on participation and quality of life of people with disabilities in Malawi.

Type of Study:
The first article is a quantitative study, the second article is a qualitative study, and the third article is a mixed-methods study.

Statistical Tests Used:
The quantitative article used a descriptive analysis, an independent sample t-test, and linear regression analysis to analyze the data. The qualitative article used thematic analysis to identify patterns and themes within the data. The mixed-methods article used a stratified random sampling method for participant selection and multivariable regression analysis to analyze the data.

Applicability of Chosen Statistical Test:
The statistical tests used in each article are appropriate for the type of data collected and the research questions posed. The descriptive analysis conducted in the quantitative article provides an overview of the data collected. The independent sample t-test and linear regression analysis are used to determine the effectiveness of the lifestyle intervention. Thematic analysis, used in the qualitative article, is effective in identifying patterns and themes within the data. Multivariable regression analysis used in the mixed-methods article was effective in evaluating the impact of community-based rehabilitation services on the quality of life and participation of people with disabilities in Malawi.

Parametric vs. Non-Parametric Tests:
Parametric tests, such as the independent sample t-test and linear regression analysis, assume normal distribution within the data. Non-parametric tests, such as the Wilcoxon signed-rank test or Mann-Whitney U test, can be used when normal distribution assumptions are not met or when the dependent variable is not continuous. In the articles selected, parametric and non-parametric tests were not used.

Reliability and Validity:
The third article implemented various measures to ensure the validity and reliability of the data collected. This includes the use of standardized tools, rigorous data collection procedures, and multiple measurements to strengthen reliability and validity. The other articles do not explicitly mention the measures implemented to enhance reliability and validity.

Practical Application:
The chosen studies could be applied within the context of medical practice by utilizing the findings to inform clinical interventions and decision-making. For example, the quantitative study on the effectiveness of lifestyle interventions on reducing blood pressure and BMI can be used to inform interventions aimed at reducing hypertension effectively. The qualitative study on the experiences of caregivers can inform interventions that enhance the quality of care for children with cerebral palsy in low-resource settings.

In conclusion, this paper explored the application of data analysis, reliability and validity, and statistical tests used in health-related research through a comparison of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods articles. The selection of appropriate statistical tests and measures to enhance reliability and validity is essential in medical research to ensure robust and accurate findings. The findings of the studies explored have practical applications in medical practice, which can lead to effective clinical interventions and decision-making.

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