VU Health Maintenance Plan for Coronary Heart Disease Essay Nursing Assignment Help

Develop a health maintenance plan for a selected Disease, such as asthma, hepatitis, hypo and hyperthyroidism, and coronary artery disease, in a selected Population.

Your paper should:

1. Assess, develop, and recommend health maintenance plans for clients in all developmental stages of life within the primary care practice.
2. Apply evidence-based guidelines to the identification and prevention of significant healthcare problems affecting populations at risk.

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In order to develop a health maintenance plan for a selected disease in a selected population, it is necessary to assess the characteristics and needs of both the disease and the population. By applying evidence-based guidelines, we can identify and prevent significant healthcare problems affecting populations at risk. This process is crucial for primary care practitioners in developing appropriate health maintenance plans for their clients in all developmental stages of life.


To develop a health maintenance plan for individuals with asthma in the pediatric population, the following steps should be taken:

1. Assess the disease:
– Understand the pathophysiology of asthma and its impact on the respiratory system.
– Identify common triggers, symptoms, and potential complications of asthma in children.
– Assess the severity and frequency of asthma attacks in the targeted population.

2. Develop a health maintenance plan:
– Educate parents and caregivers about asthma management, including proper inhaler technique and monitoring for symptoms.
– Encourage regular follow-up visits with healthcare providers for ongoing assessment and adjustment of treatment plans.
– Create an individualized asthma action plan for each child, including emergency response protocols and medication management.

3. Recommend health maintenance practices:
– Encourage immunizations, particularly annual influenza vaccinations, to prevent respiratory infections that can trigger asthma attacks.
– Promote a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet, to improve overall respiratory health and strengthen lung function.
– Educate parents and children about environmental triggers, such as dust mites, animal dander, and tobacco smoke, and suggest appropriate measures to minimize exposure.

By implementing these recommendations and following evidence-based guidelines for asthma management in the pediatric population, primary care practitioners can effectively maintain the health of individuals with this chronic disease, reducing the risk of exacerbations and improving their overall quality of life.

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