Using the information attached  c. Literature Review – Building off the research done for the annotated bibliography, review a very narrow area of

Using the information attached 

c. Literature Review – Building off the research done for the annotated bibliography, review a very narrow area of scholarly literature related to the interrogation topic. At least 5 scholarly sources are required. Include an introduction to the literature review section that (a) previews the material to come, (b) introduces key issues and/or defines key terms, and (c) restates the thesis. The body of the review should make points to support the thesis; these points should be supported with citations of scholarly sources. Organize the review by building logical arguments to support the thesis; do not simply summarize articles in no particular order. 

d. Application- This section integrates the literature review and the case history. Explain the specific insights that can be gained about this case from the literature review by applying the research in the review to the case. To provide just a sample of possible applications: if the research discussed misclassifications, explain how labeling an innocent person as guilty (based on their demeanor and the behavior they displayed) could affect the investigative interview; if the research discussed coercion, apply that concept to explain the case.  

e. Conclusion- The conclusion section should (a) summarize major points, (b) connect ideas from separate sections of the paper, and (c) provide a final message for readers. 

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