US History, 1492 to 1877

 Description Instructions: Find a Primary Source (first-hand, original work) from U.S. History, 1492 to 1877, from the internet or book of primary sources. A book written by U.S. Grant himself is a Primary Source. A book written by someone else on the life of U.S. Grant is a Secondary Source. Examples include, but are not limited to: Jonathan Edwards’ “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” or George Washington’s “Farewell Address” or The Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments” or Abraham Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address,”etc. etc. Write a Critical Essay making sure you include the following: • Critical Essay should be 3 typed pages, double spaced, with one inch margins • Identify the author and article in the opening paragraph • Include an introduction to establish the background & historical context • Identify the author’s thesis and show how he/she supported that thesis • Include whether you agree or disagree with the author’s thesis and tell why. • Include the essay’s overall contribution to history. • Cite any additional sources used (if any) using Chicago and not MLA or APA


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