Throughout  the course, you encountered a number of different moral theories. While  you had enough exposure in the first few weeks to build a moral


Throughout  the course, you encountered a number of different moral theories. While  you had enough exposure in the first few weeks to build a moral  compass, you have had more time to get to know the theories better and  may be morally motivated by a different primary theory or set of  theories than you used for the week three assignment. The goal here is  to pick just one theory you feel is a “best guide” for moral behavior.

Then  you are to create an Infographic promoting that theory, either on its  own or by comparing it to other theories. Consider yourself as being in  marketing and you are trying to convince others to choose your theory.  Describe situations where this theory provides good guidance. Focus on  the positives (i.e. consequentialist theories allow you flexibility  while treating everyone equally, non consequentialist theories provide  solid rules to follow and proper justification, virtue theories focus on  the person and not the action, etc.)


  • Using  one of the following programs, create an infographic that promotes your  theory in a convincing way as an ideal guide for future moral  decisions MS PowerPoint
  • Have fun and try to be creative.
  • It is not bad to display some of the negatives, but the goal here is to promote your theory.
  • Be  sure you submit as a PDF or that the link works (send it to others to  see if they can open it). Keep in mind if your instructor cannot see it,  he or she cannot assess it.
  • Please  do not purchase a subscription, unless you want to, and do not submit  anything one needs a paid subscription to see. Again, if free viewing is  not possible, it will not be graded.
  • Lastly,  when using resources, be sure to have a citation where the information  is used on the presentation and include a references/works cited section  at the bottom.

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