“The Range of Ideals”

Read Okakura Kakuzō’s essay  and analyze one point the text makes to explain why his thesis that “Asia is one” is problematic in a paragraph of 250-550 words.  Instructions: Read Okakura Kakuzō’s essay “The Range of Ideals” and analyze one point the text makes to explain why his thesis that “Asia is one” is problematic in a paragraph of 250-300 words. Focus: Your paragraph should directly engage one, specific point Okakura makes as part of his argument that Asia has a single cultural essence. Include specific details: Be as specific as possible about his logical or factual mistakes in that point. Acknowledge diversity: Your paragraph should demonstrate that you understand the diversity of Asian nations, languages, and histories. Cite the text: Use a page number (or numbers) in parentheses to indicate the page or pages in Okakura’s text to which you are referring: Okakura attributes “a single Asiatic peace” to all of Asia (4). Advice: ● Do not counter Okakura’s argument with a different argument of your own. Instead, explain why the specific claim he makes is wrong (is not supported by credible evidence, is based on faulty assumptions, makes logical errors, etc.). ● Do not try to address every claim that Okakura makes, or only argue against his overall thesis. Instead, directly engage with one specific claim and its relationship to his overarching argument that Asia has a single cultural essence.

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