The African American Experience in the American West: Civil War and

 The African American Experience in the American West: Civil War and Reconstruction The 10-page length is minimal and does not include title page, endnotes, or bibliography. No quotes longer than 2 typed sentences are allowed. Papers need to be drawn from a minimum of six independent primary documents and six secondary sources. Primary documents can […]

The Vaccine War

What are the benefits of the CDC’s (Center for Disease Control) recommendation that every child receive certain vaccinations by age 6 to public health officials, to the community and to other children? – Some parents and health care profesionals question the CDC’s recommendations and decide not to vaccinate their children. How might this decision affect […]

Write about The art of war (Sunzi Bingfa)

Essay about The art of war (Sunzi Bingfa)   Pick one passage of text from the translation of the Sunzi bingfa (a book you can find online) we used for class in which a philosophically interesting claim is put forward by the author of the text. Quote the passage directly, indicating clearly all relevant information […]

Briefly explain when and why the Hundred Year’s War begin in France.

1.  Why did the Byzantine Emperor, Alexius I, make an appeal to Pope Urban, and what was the Pope’s response to his appeal, i.e. what role did the church play in the first Crusade to the Holy Land? What were the political and/or spiritual stakes for the kings, nobility, and peasants who went on Crusade […]

Chemical weapons in War world I

This assignment is to create a 3-5 page (or 1,500 to 2,250 words) single-spaced, cited, research project proposal. Include at least two primary sources and six secondary sources. Use at least one source from our class readings. In order to complete this assignment, read the “Instructions 2019IntellectualVirtue” document in the start menu in Canvas in […]

Narritve essay about civil war about kurdish people

Description Research/ Drawing Experience: Once you have chosenyour topic, you may continue to elaborate on your mind map, OR create a brief list of things (chronological order) related to the event/ situation (actions, exchange of words/ sayings/ dialogue, location, people involved…etc.). *Tip: You may use the 5 w’s to help! Organizing your points/ ideas: Use […]

World War II at home and Abroad

Description 1. an introduction to the topic 2. a citation and description for a primary source document such as a contemporary newspaper report, a government document, a letter or a work of art such as a photograph or painting that you believe will help me understand more about the topic. 3. your opinion about the […]

The Ineffectiveness of The War on Drugs

Description Debate why the war on drugs had such a significant impact on our correctional system. Explain why would the drug legalization help ease the prison population. If drug legalization were to happen, explain the impact that it would have on society both negatively and positively. What other ways could we deal with drug offenders? […]

The Cold War

Description 1. an introduction to the topic 2. a citation and description for a primary source document such as a contemporary newspaper report, a government document, a letter or a work of art such as a photograph or painting that you believe will help me understand more about the topic. 3. your opinion about the […]

The African American Experience in the American West: Civil War and

Topics of particular interest will be gender, enslaved black labor, family relations, culture, resistance and community as well as the lives of free people of color both in the North, South and West, the abolitionist movement the Civil War, Reconstruction and the beginning of the Jim Crow era. It is important to outline the main […]