Video Games Promoting Violence

This essay should be between 900 and 1000 words, excluding the required annotated bibliography. First, you will choose a topic of interest that has at least two opposing sides (please do not reuse your Toulmin essay topic). Then, you need to research that topic in order to specify the topic’s scope, so it can be […]

Video Game Economics

 Refer to Chapters 11, 12, and 13 in Virtual Economies: Design and Analysis Vili Lehdonvirta;Edward Castronova;Sandra Braman;Paul T. Jaeger. and answer the following questions. Provide a complete macroeconomic design diagram of the Rovio game Plunder Pirates. A) Specify a consumer price index (CPI) for the Rovio game Plunder Pirates and explain why your proposed measure […]

Write about Frontline Video “The Confessions” or “The Plea”

Term Paper on Frontline Video “The Confessions” or “The Plea” – By now, you should have watched PBS Front-line video called “The Confessions”. During week 11 you will be responsible in watching another video called “The Plea”. After you have watched both videos, you are to choose ONE of the two videos and submit its […]

Critically evaluate PowerPoint & video teaching and learning

TEACHING AND LEARNING Briefly explain the following: 1. Critically evaluate PowerPoint & video teaching and learning strategies, and briefly saying its merits and demerits. a. Critically evaluate why question and answer is a good strategy for valid and reliable assessment of learning. How do you know that a learner had demonstrated the skill that learning […]

Video Game and Addiction

Essays you’ve likely written is the argumentative essay, or “position paper”. In this essay you will be presenting YOUR OPINION on a subject that you will choose. The hallmark of this essay is the ability to show a grasp of “synthesis” – or combining information on your subject from sources with your own personal experience […]

Technology addiction (ex.: phones, video games, social media, etc)

Description The task says: As technology advances, computers and other related electronic devices have become an increasingly large part of our lives. Some even claim that we as a society helpless without them. To what degree do you think the average person is dependent upon or addicted to these technologies, and are there any mental […]