Assignment 2:Encryption and Security Protocols

CITM 820 Information Systems Security and Privacy The purpose of this assignment is to sample application layer services. Using packet capturing software, you will be demonstrating the basic concepts of the OSI, Specifically HTTP, FTP, SSL, Telnet, and SSH protocols are demonstrated based on the stack. General Information and Policies – Solutions must to be […]

Social Security Programs: Explain the concept of Social Security as

Conduct research on the current state of Social Security. Based on your research, write a three-to-five page paper (not including the title and reference pages). Your paper should be written in a scholarly third-person tone; it should be in APA format. The essay should address the following: Explain the concept of Social Security as originally […]

CIO Report: Assess the level of data and network security. What would

Submitted as a report to the CIO: 1. Assess the level of data and network security. What would you change? Why would you change it? 2. Assess vulnerabilities and determine how best to fix them. Present not only how to fix them, but also what they are and why they are a major problem to […]

System Security Goals

Description Critical Thinking: System Security Goals (60 points) Assignment Details: In an essay, answer the following questions based on this week’s module: How do you know if your system is meeting your security goals? You can verify that controls are working, but how do you know if they are getting the job done? What auditing […]

Legal Challenges for Private Security

No directly quoted material may be used in this project paper. Resources should be summarized or paraphrased with appropriate in-text and Resource page citations. Project 2: Legal Challenges Confronting Private Security Operations: Administrative Searches Scenario: You accept a position as the Corporate Security Director for ACME Electronics, a Fortune 1000 company that manufactures different devices […]

Introduction to Information Security

Throughout this course, you will be working with a scenario in which some basic background information is provided about a consulting firm. This scenario and information is typical in many companies today. select a company that you are familiar with that is facing a similar situation. The company can be real or fictitious, but the framework […]

CYBER SECURITY: Either DDOS or Ransomware.

1- Choose just one topic from Telstra report: either DDOS or Ransomware. Having two will not bring extra points. Better to choose one and explain better. 2- Excluding Chapters 1 and 2, the rest is all about the Cybersecurity! As I explained in the class, whole report should be dedicated to the chosen topic (either […]

Homeland Security: Mass Casualty Terrorist Attack

You are the senior civilian advisor to the emergency response manager (ERM). The ERM realizes that the psychological impact of a mass-casualty incident (MCI) can be devastating. The ERM is prepared to handle the incident response with emergency personnel and equipment, but he is unsure if the city is prepared for the psychological aftermath. As […]

ISEC 635 Information Security Operations Management

Instructions Please read and answer each question. There are 3 questions. Please make sure you clearly identify your answer as Q 1, 2, 3 with a header. Failure to do so will result in a loss of some or all points. At the minimum, submissions should reflect your understanding of the course material. Ensure that […]

Computer Science (Security Research: Spyware)

For this assignment, you will must complete a technical analysis of an information security related article / current event of your choice and provide a written review. Your analysis should explain the security issues and technology talked about in the article. Defend your analysis with information from the text where possible, and at least one […]