Security Threats: Discuss, briefly, the number of attacks uncovered

Using the types of security threats discussed in additional materials, review the trade journals, newspapers, and other sources on the Internet to discuss the prevalence of these attacks on organizations and government entities in the United States. Discuss, briefly, the number of attacks uncovered and the firms/government agencies targeted. You need to provide references for […]

Improving Aviation Security

For this assignment, conduct research and argue the importance of SMS and the NTSB in accident prevention. Access NTSB’s Aviation Accident Database & Synopses (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to identify an aircraft accident investigation that has been completed. You may choose any type of aircraft and accident that you wish. […]


 EXERCISE #1- REPORT OF THE TASK FORCE ON PRIVATE SECURITY The 1976 “Report of the Task Force on Private Security” is considered by many security practitioners to be the first comprehensive attempt in delving into the private security profession to determine its strengths and vulnerabilities. The National Advisory Committee on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals […]

Criminal Law: Role of Private Security

Resources should be summarized or paraphrased with appropriate in-text and Resource page citations. Project 1: Preparing for a Speech Before a Security Professional Organization Scenario: You are the Corporate Security Director for XYZ and a recognized leader in the security profession. You accept an invitation to speak at the ASIS International Seminar and Exhibits about […]

Company Network Security Assessment

You are to research a company of your choosing. In a 10-page paper, you will submit the following as a report to your CIO: 1. Assess the level of data and network security. What would you change? Why would you change it? 2. Assess vulnerabilities and determine how best to fix them. Present not only […]

Legal Challenges Confronting Private Security Operations:

Writing Assignment: After reading and evaluating Judge Edward Weinfeld’s opinion in Chenkin v. BELLEVUE HOSP. CTR., NYC, ETC., 479 F. Supp. 207 (S.D.N.Y. 1979), linked below, consider the case in its entirety, particularly the court’s opinion, and respond to the following: (1) Write a strong introduction, first stating the purpose of the paper, then providing […]

US Security strategies and foreign policy

 Instructions For this final unit, you will prepare a four- to five-page paper, excluding the title and reference pages, examining U.S. security strategies and foreign policy as it relates to the country of your choice (excluding the United States). This paper should be written as if you are the U.S. Secretary of State and preparing […]

Security in fast-food chain company

 A large, fast-food chain unveiled a new touch screen register for its franchises. Each cashier was assigned a user id and password combination to log in to the register. The system allowed the incorrect password to be entered four (4) times before the register would lock and require a manager to unlock it with a […]

Bias in research studies on food security

There is an ongoing debate among researchers regarding objectivity and value freedom. While some defend that researchers should be value free and try to avoid having any biases, others argue that there is no such thing as value freedom. That is researchers should be aware of their existing biases and agendas, identify them and inform […]

HIPPA privacy and security rules

Although the Course Project Manual will be written as an academic paper in Microsoft Word, it is really a training manual for the identified audience. The intent is that HIT graduates can use this document and training presentation for interview purposes upon graduation to a potential employer. It must be an originally developed and presented […]