Logic Model and Healthy People 2020 New York State

Review a logic model in CDC Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention: State Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Programs. A PDF of the document is available online at https://www.cdc.gov/dhdsp/docs/logic_model.pdf . Then, write a minimum five-page paper, using the logic model to illustrate how your state’s health department addresses one specific focus area of the […]

How healthy communities create healthy people

Description This is a Synthesis Essay. Draft a paper that explores an issue related to the environmental justice movement and how the built environment in urban centers affects the community. Your paper will demonstrate your ability to join an ongoing conversation that includes both of your sources. You will synthesize the sources, that is, you […]

A healthy marriage: What genre is it? How do you know (what are its

Ephesians 5:21 – 33 answer the following questions (please use the same numbering). Questions should be answered from a scholarly perspective without the use of first person 2) What genre is it? How do you know (what are its characteristics)? *For this question, you MUST use a Bible dictionary. Find the definition of your genre […]

The Healthy People 2020 Topic is: Diabetes

In this part of the Community Project Written Assignment, you will determine for whom the intervention will be focused (women at a civic organization, senior men at a faith-based organization, young mothers at a health department program, etc.). Then, you will develop an evidence-based health education intervention work plan to address the Healthy People 2020 […]

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle : Identify the best resources for your topic. Your research and resources must include at least three peer reviewed professional journal articles and at least two additional academic sources. Sources range from a professional in the field or valid website. Literature cited must be from reputable and appropriate sources. Each research […]

Healthy people 2020

Summarize what healthy people 2020 is,and what its goals are in your own words.Explain how many topics there are and select one topic area of interest.Include the name of the topic,why you chose it,and provide three background points found on the web describing who is affected by the problem and other information on the topic.describe […]