Successful organizations value candid communication even when the news isn’t good. Unsuccessful organizations, on the other hand, often ignore problems. In

Successful organizations value candid communication even when the news isn’t good. Unsuccessful organizations, on the other hand, often ignore problems. In successful organizations, colleagues who speak up and raise issues are rewarded. In unsuccessful organizations, those who speak up are criticized. Most organizations exist somewhere on a continuum when it comes to encouraging candid communication. Some are highly open to it, others completely shun it, and most fall somewhere in between.

With that in mind, please read and respond to the following scenario.

Scenario: The Problem Employee

You are a supervisor at your company. You’ve overheard your direct report, Sheila, making offensive and inappropriate comments to other employees, and Scott, another of your direct reports, has complained to you about these comments. You’ve given Sheila a verbal warning in the past regarding these kinds of comments, but you’ve hesitated to put anything in writing because you know that Sheila is good friends with your boss and you don’t want to do anything that might negatively impact that relationship.

However, Sheila’s comments are only getting worse and more frequent. Now Celia, another of your direct reports, has come to you and demanded that you do something “once and for all.” You realize, belatedly, that it was an error to not address this behavior in writing and on record before, and it is time to give Sheila a strong written warning for this conduct right away. If you don’t, you might be the one finding yourself in trouble. Moreover, the whole company might suffer from this hostile work environment.

Compose a message to Sheila (you may supply a last name of your choosing) in which you detail the problem behavior and explain what actions she must take in order to correct her behavior. Provide a time frame in which the problem behavior must be corrected, and explain what the consequences may be if she fails to make the required changes.

Like the Week 1 Homework, this assignment should be in the style of a formal memo. Ideally, it should be no longer than one page long. It should be detailed enough, however, to explain the problem behavior, provide the corrective action plan, and explain the potential consequences of not adhering to the plan.

Review the Assignment Connection in this week’s lesson for more tips and advice.

Once again, artificial intelligence may not be used for this assignment.

Remember to submit your assignment. You will be graded based on the following rubric.


Select the Start Assignment button to begin.

Once you have uploaded your files, select Submit Assignment.

RubricWeek 3: The Problem Employee Grading RubricWeek 3: The Problem Employee Grading RubricCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDocument DesignThe message is appropriately formatted and includes all of the required elements. Design elements from Chapter 6 of the textbook are considered and used effectively.20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAudience AwarenessThe tone is appropriate for the audience and purpose.20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContentThe message begins with a positive buffer. The messaging is designed to both firmly communicate the main message while also preserving relationships with the audience as much as possible.30 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting MechanicsRules of grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation are followed.10 pts

Total Points: 80

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