Select TWO of the following questions to answer. Restate the questions you selected in the discussion forum and answer each separately. Question: Based

Select TWO of the following questions to answer. Restate the questions you selected in the discussion forum and answer each separately.

Question: Based on the Conceptual Models/Grand Theories in the Integrative-Interactive Paradigm (Section III; Smith, 2020), select ONE Theory and discuss how this theory aligns with your beliefs and experiences of nursing practice and can advance your practice in your specialty area.

Question: Discuss explicitly how Nightengale’s Theory of Nursing and Environment informed the Integral Theory by Dossey and the Theory of Modeling and Role Modeling by Erickson, Tomlin and Swain?

Question: Develop a practice exemplar (i.e.The Case of Mr. X) that identifies Roy’s focal, residual and contextual stimuli.  Explain what assessments you made regarding whether Mr. X that indicate that his level of adaptation is at an integrated level, compensatory level, or compromised level.

Question: Reflect on the Theory of Modeling and Role-modeling (MRM), and summarize how the Theory of MRM has guided nursing research studies (Smith, 2020, pp. 197-205).

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