See 3 attachments please Read the two articles and complete the discussion based off my definition of mental health. · 350-600

See 3 attachments please

Read the two articles and complete the discussion based off my definition of mental health.

· 350-600 words

· APA format

· Use the two articles provided as references

· Answer

questions below


My Definition of mental health
: The state of someone’s psychological well-being; either their state is normal or abnormal…I view abnormal as having a mental illness.

· Does your definition align with the various aspects of “Mental Health” covered in this week’s readings?

· In detail, explain each aspect and how this differs from your definition.

· How might the application of this vague concept pose a problem, generally speaking?

· How might the use of this term be problematic when attempting to develop and apply policies related to the criminal justice system specifically and society at large?

· Lastly, do you think the use of the term “mental health” is appropriate and should continue to be used? Why or why not?

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