Search for your state Board of Nursing website. for  “Florida Board of Nursing”. Explore the site and look at the different pieces of available

Search for your state Board of Nursing website. for  “Florida Board of Nursing”. Explore the site and look at the different pieces of available information, and/or use the search bar if available to find specific topics. If you have any questions on where to find your state board of nursing website, please see your faculty member.In a Word document, answer each of the follow questions related to your state website:

  1. List 4 differences between a registered nurse and a practical nurse and how this might affect your scope of practice.
  2. With the opioid health crises we are currently having, what does your state board of nursing say about the administration of Naloxone for a practical nurse?
  3. Describe what your states says about using medication aides, the use of unlicensed assistive personnel, and delegation? Include their roles and responsibilities.
  4. What does your state say about the Good Samaritan Law? Does this protect you if you are out of state on vacation?
  5. What items make it ineligible to have a nursing license in your state?
  6. Discuss items that would be unauthorized practice for a nurse. What will you do if you witness this?
  7. Describe when you will renew your license and what you need in order to do this.
  8. Interpret what your practice act states regarding promoting patient safety and explain why this is important?
  9. Identify what will make you a competent practical nurse per your state practice act.
  10. Discuss two items outside of the questions that you just answered that you learned while reading your nurse practice act for your state and how they will influence your scope of practice as a nurse.

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