Review Principles 2 and 4 in the Arizona Language Development Approach. This will give you an overview of the purpose and importance of

Review Principles 2 and 4 in the Arizona Language Development Approach. This will give you an overview of the purpose and importance of integrated instruction in content area learning and assessment feedback. Understanding these principles will help you complete this week’s assignment.

Review the following resources from the Arizona Department of Education prior to completing the assignment:

English Language Development Strategies in Mathematics

English Language Development Strategies in Science

English Language Development Strategies in Social Studies

Imagine you are a social studies, science, or math content area teacher. Choose one. You will be planning an Integrated ELD lesson for a whole class of students whose English proficiency varies from basic to proficient. As you plan your lesson, you will need to consider how you will provide differentiated scaffolds for your English learners, but also challenge your English proficient students. Your driving standards will be the content area standards, but you will also use ELP Standards 6–8 to help support your English learners. ELP Standards 6–8 represent interactive communication, which supports listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Select an elementary grade level (K–5) and a content area (social studies, science, or math).

Review the

Arizona History and Social Science Standards

Arizona Science Standards
, or

Arizona Mathematics Standards
for your chosen grade level. and choose at least 1 content standard to assess in your lesson.

Access the following ELP Standards for your selected elementary grade level:

Arizona English Language Proficiency Standards Kindergarten

Arizona English Language Proficiency Standards Grade 1

Arizona English Language Proficiency Standards Grades 2-3

Arizona English Language Proficiency Standards Grades 4-5

Review ELP Standards 6, 7, and 8, and
choose an ELP standard and sub-skill to address in your lesson. Pay attention to the expectations for each proficiency level (Pre-Emergent/Emergent, Basic, and Intermediate). This will help you determine what differentiated scaffolds to provide for your English learners.

Review ELP Standards 9 and 10 as well and determine if any of these language standards/sub-skills apply to your lesson. Remember, ELP Standards 9 and 10 are language standards that focus on vocabulary and grammar.

Create a 30- to 45-minute social studies, science, or math lesson (Integrated ELD) that will assess your chosen standards and include differentiated instructional strategies to support your English learners.

Use the

Lesson Template
to complete your lesson.

Refer to the rubric for assignment expectations.

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