Respond to this post with a positive response :Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence or research.Share an Nursing Assignment Help

                       Respond to this post with a positive response :

Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence or research.

Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.

Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.

Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.

Make a suggestion based on additional evidence drawn from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings.

Expand on your colleagues’ postings by providing additional insights or contrasting perspectives based on readings and evidence.

Use  references

                                                       Initial Post

            Upon reviewing this week’s lesson, it involves patient safety and how healthcare providers delivery it. The Institute of Medication (IOM) designed a model for patients which involved effectiveness, safety, patient-centered, timely, equitable, and efficiency(Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, n.d.). One problem I have found is reporting near misses that were caught but could have resulted in errors while delivering patient care. Healthcare professionals are still afraid of corrective actions when reporting, including near misses. The article I found, showed how reporting improves patient safety and how to improve the delivery of care (Howell et al., 2015). As a nursing leader, I would encourage my staff to report near misses along with actual occurrences. I would explain that by reporting near misses it helps future patients by learning from the near misses. Patient safety should be an expected value, not something that hospitals deal with after something happens (Laureate Education, 2012i). At my work, we have safeguards that we can do anonymously. We can also fill out our name to report safety issues. As a nursing leader, I would meet with staff to remind them to choose the anonymous tab when reporting safeguards for patient safety if they were still concerned about corrective actions. I would explain that it is not about them getting in trouble but continuing improving safety to protect patients.


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (n.d.). Model public report elements: A sampler. Retreived from 

Howell, A., Burns, E. M., Bouras, G., Donaldson, L., Athanasiou, T., & Darzi, A. (2015, December 9). Can Patient Safety Incident Reports Be Used to Compare Hospital Safety? Results from a Quantitative Analysis of the English National Reporting and Learning System Data. Ebsco, 10(12), 1-15.

Laureate Education (Producer). (2012i). Quality improvement and safety. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Expert Solution Preview

In response to the initial post, I agree that reporting near misses in patient care is crucial for improving patient safety. The fear of corrective actions or repercussions from reporting can hinder healthcare professionals from speaking up about near misses, but it is essential to recognize that reporting near misses contributes to learning and preventing future errors.

Evidence supports the notion that reporting improves patient safety. The article by Howell et al. (2015) highlights the potential of using patient safety incident reports to compare hospital safety. By analyzing incident reports, healthcare organizations can identify patterns and trends, leading to targeted interventions and improvements in patient safety.

As a nursing leader, it is important to create a culture of open reporting and encourage staff to report near misses and actual occurrences. By emphasizing that reporting near misses is not about blame but about continuous improvement, nursing leaders can foster an environment that prioritizes patient safety. Providing anonymous reporting options, like the safeguards mentioned, can also alleviate concerns about personal consequences while still enabling staff to contribute valuable information.

In addition to anonymous reporting, nursing leaders can also conduct regular meetings or discussions with staff to reinforce the importance of reporting near misses and provide feedback on implemented changes. Creating dedicated channels for reporting and ensuring that staff feel heard and supported can further enhance the reporting culture within healthcare organizations.

Overall, by promoting a culture of reporting and learning from near misses, nursing leaders play a critical role in improving patient safety. Emphasizing the value of reporting, implementing anonymous reporting options, and providing ongoing support to staff can contribute to a safer healthcare environment and better patient outcomes.

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