Respond to Breya and Jeremy post add a relevant question or summary that will support them in narrowing the investigative focus for their

Respond to Breya and Jeremy post add a relevant question or summary that will support them in narrowing the investigative focus for their topic/issue. 

Breya post

Hey Everybody,

     The social science issue I picked was the criminality of drug use and abuse. This issue affects the economy through lost productivity, healthcare, and criminal justice expenses. When individuals rely on drugs, their inhibitions and rational thinking decrease. There’s often a need to continue a life of crime to sustain the habit of drug use and abuse.

Two relevant questions that social professionals would be interested in are: 

  • How does drug use impact an individual’s mental health and well-being?
  • How does social inequality contribute to differential patterns of drug use and criminalization?

Jeremy post

The social science issue I chose is the effects of social media on teenagers and school age children. Social media is meant to be a place for entertainment, education and connecting with loved ones. Nowadays social media seems to have a very negative effect on young people. This is usually because of bullying, teasing and harassment which leads to fights, self-esteem issues and sadly sometimes even self-harm. I believe that sociologist would ask what groups of teens in certain areas have the most issues when it comes to social media and also what age group has the most issues? 


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