Research: Using Job Search Engines( locate a list of jobs in your field, and analyze the job requirements.  Choose one job listing for your application

Research: Using Job Search Engines( locate a list of jobs in your field, and analyze the job requirements.  Choose one job listing for your application letter.  Explore: Using your research skills, locate some resumes of professionals in your field, and analyze the job skills listed.Assess: Using the Skills Assessment Worksheet from Harvard create an inventory of your own job skills.( assignment is to create a professional resume and a letter of application using Microsoft Office Word or a similar word-processing program.


You may or may not already have a resume. If you have a resume, your job is to polish and update it. If you do not have a resume, then your job is to create one. Even though there are two main types of resumes (chronological and functional), I prefer that you use the chronological approach as it is the most advantageous for new graduates.


Today’s job market for college professionals is perhaps more competitive than it has ever been. Jobs are posted and filled at such a rapid rate that it is important to always be prepared. This assignment is about being prepared for a job opportunity when it arises.

Instructions: Resume

1. Read the chapter information on creating a resume

2. Use a word processing software to create your chronological resume

3. Include each section per the material listed in your text

4. Use the examples in the text to guide you

5. Turn in your Resume in the appropriate eCampus portal

Instructions: Letter of Application

1. Read the section in our textbook that relates to writing effective application letters

2. Locate a job posting from any website (but it must relate to your field of study). There are a number of job search engines in your text.

3. Use a letterhead template from Word to draft your application (cover) letter

4. Adhere to the basic pattern of an application letter

5. Make certain that your letter of application matches the qualifications and requirements of the job posting that you possess (one way to accomplish this is to highlight key terms in the post and make certain you have used them in your letter

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