Research question: You will develop a research question of your choice and investigate it in an observational study. This study will involve observing

Research question: You will develop a research question of your choice and investigate it in an observational study. This study will involve observing behavior in public settings (in person or online), in which the participants will not have any reasonable expectation of privacy. You will not interact with the participants in any way; you will only observe and record the behavior of interest. The research questions will take the form of a 2X2 contingency table matrix, where the dependent variable is the number of people per cell. Example research questions and matrices are below. You should submit your research question and associated matrix (through eClass by 11:59pm on September 13th) so that I can provide feedback. You should not begin collecting your data until you have received feedback on your question. After receiving feedback, you may wish to change their topic; if so, you should discuss the new idea with me first. 

Use this template; edit it to add your question, preregister your hypothesis, and agree to the statements about your participants and data collection location. 

Note re: Social distancing: I expect all students to maintain social distancing and follow any public health orders when collecting their data. You should create research questions where you can collect data safely, without risking your own or others’ health. To do so, you might want to choose research questions where you can a) make observations from your car, or looking out your window, or some other distant location, or b) collect data from observing online behavior (e.g., behavior of people in YouTube videos, or using live street views).

Example #1: Personal cups at Starbucks.

Research question: Are female-presenting people more likely than male-presenting people to use a personal cup at Starbucks?

Contingency matrix: The #s would represent the count of observations (i.e., people) belonging to that cell.



Observed using personal cup



Observed using disposable cup



Example #2: Use of self-checkout at grocery store.

Research question: Are adults shopping with children less likely than adults shopping without children to use the self-checkout at the grocery store?

Contingency matrix: The #s would represent the count of observations (i.e., people) belonging to that cell.

Adults shopping with children

Adults shopping without children

Observed using regular checkout



Observed using self-checkout



Example #3: “Drama” on YouTube.

Research question: Are beauty influencers more likely than other types of influencers to mention “drama” in their YouTube videos?

Contingency matrix: The #s would represent the count of observations (i.e., people) belonging to that cell.

Beauty influencers

Non-beauty influencers

Mentions drama with other influencers in video



Doesn’t mention drama with other influencers in video



To upload your assignment click on the “Add submission” button on the bottom of the page (below the grading rubric). Then click on “Add” to upload files, or drag and drop them from your computer. Remember, files must be in .pdf, .doc, .docx, or .rtf format; make sure that you can see this file extension at the end of your document name (e.g., Assignment1.docx). Then click on “Save changes” at the bottom of the screen. Your “Submission status” will now say “Submitted for grading”. You can see your document name and file extension at the bottom of the page; check the file extension and click on the document to be sure it is the correct one.

To make changes, click on the “Edit my submission” button at the bottom of the page. This will allow you to delete your file and upload another.

I submit the assignment and this is the feedback i got from my teacher can you please read it below and fix it.

Unfortunately, your first research question doesn’t meet the criteria for the assignment, because it would involve interacting with the participants in some way, e.g., you would need to ask them questions to determine which group they belong to, or to determine their level of your dependent variable. You will need to change your question to be one that can be answered by simply watching people’s behavior, or making judgments about what groups they belong to. The second question does meet the criteria, but some of the components of the template are missing so I can’t approve your ideas yet. Please download the template, answer all of the questions, and then resubmit here or by email for approval. Thanks!

-And after that part I want you to do the second part of the assignment 

After receiving feedback on a homework activity, you can use this form to demonstrate how your knowledge or skill has changed. You can improve your performance on a homework activity by reviewing your original work and feedback comments/video from the instructor, revising your response(s) based on that feedback, and suggesting plans for remembering that content in the future. To complete this resubmission, use this Homework Resubmission Form. Complete the form, and submit below. 

This submission tool should be used for a resubmission of Homework Concept Check for Chapter 2 only; for other resubmissions, see the other tools listed. 

Please note:

1.You can complete a resubmission once per homework (i.e., you can resubmit work for Homework for Chapter 2 only once), and only for homework activities you attempted before the due date. Thus, it’s important you consider all of the questions and your answers carefully before submitting each one, because you will only have one opportunity.

2.Each resubmission will cost you 1 Oops token (i.e., 1 Token = 1 homework resubmission). Remember, you have only 6 Tokens for the entire term; so if you use them up on assignments early on, you won’t have any left for later assignments. You don’t need prior permission to use an Oops token; just submit the resubmission form to Dr. Passey via eClass. If you submit a resubmission without sufficient tokens remaining, you will receive a zero 

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