Provide Research Proposals on prompts 3 and 6 Be sure to cover the following components in 500-800 words for each proposal: The prompt and questions you

Provide Research Proposals on prompts 3 and 6

Be sure to cover the following components in 500-800 words for each proposal:

  • The prompt and questions you want to address.
  • Your thesis (your position regarding the main question you address)
  • Your goals for the paper
  • Supporting details
  • How and what you will research to support your thesis

Prompt 3

The emotional aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon was immediate and for some, the healing process persists to this day. However, there were other effects of these terrorist attacks. How did these attacks change the security policies in the U.S.? How did they impact U.S. foreign policies and foreign relationships? Other than the loss of many innocent lives that morning, what other losses did the United States experience? How did the country recover, or is it still healing?

Prompt 6

Since the start of the 21st century, the increasing rate of technological advancement has led to new breakthroughs in computing and robotics, both creating a demand for new engineering jobs, but also replacing many existing jobs with automation. Consider the socioeconomic ramifications of this technological revolution – how have new technologies affected the economy in the U.S. and globally? How does modern connectivity affect how people work?

The 21st century isn’t the first time technology has replaced and created new jobs. Analyze the historical precedence for this shift -when technology advanced and displaced workers in the past, how did they respond and adapt?

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