Project 3 instructions– Assess and revise recipes (File upload) Note: This Assessment flows

Project 3 instructions– Assess and revise recipes

(File upload)

Note: This Assessment flows from information obtained as a result of Role Play 2 and the recipes developed for Project 2.

General learner instructions

You are required to
provide a written report with evidence attached that proves you have assessed
one (1) recipe from each of the four (4) menu styles from the facility that was the was the focus of Project 2 and revised those recipes on the basis of information gained as a result of Role Play 2 to develop and cost menus for that facility.

The four recipes to be revised are:

· The three listed in the Scenario below.

· One recipe highlighted by wait staff in Role Play 2.

To do this you are required to:

· Read the Scenario below and use it as the basis for your Project.

· Evaluate the success of menus against feedback and sales data.

· Present four revised recipes that will improve menu performance.

Context of assessment

During the assessment, the assessor will review your submissions and make notes on the Project Checklist.

You are advised to review this checklist to check your understanding of what the assessor will be looking for when they review your submission.

You may reference the learning content for this unit and/or conduct additional research.

Criteria for success

You must complete all tasks and demonstrate an understanding of required competencies in the Project Checklist. All documents must be completed in full and to the required standard.

You need to achieve a result of ‘Satisfactory’(S) for each task to receive the final assessment outcome of ‘Competent’ (C).

Where you are marked as ‘Not Yet Satisfactory’ (NYS) for any task, the final assessment outcome will be ‘Not Yet Competent’ (NYC). In such cases, you will be provided with an opportunity to repeat the assessment at a later date.

Once you have read and understood the instructions, click submit to continue.


As Manager of the facility who has already conducted feedback sessions with staff on the performance of the twelve new recipes you introduced, you feel it is time to assess the recipes further and take action to revise them so optimum performance is achieved.

To supplement your data, you have extracted sales data from the venue’s system that shows for the menus and dishes you are focusing on as the basis for revisions:

· One recipe (to be identified by you) has proven to have a food cost percentage of 43.7% for the month.

· One recipe (to be identified by you) has sold only 2 serves over the month being considered.

· One recipe (to be identified by you) has proved extremely popular selling 673 serves with a food cost percentage of 28.9%.

Now to convert all this lovely information into new and improved recipes!

Project Checklist

Project 3

Project tasks




1. Assessed four recipes

a. Identified three recipes to be assessed providing rationale for same for each.

b. Named the recipe that had food cost percentage of 43.7%.

c. Named the recipe that had sold only 2 serves over the month being considered.

d. Named the recipe that had proved extremely popular selling 673 serves with a food cost percentage of 28.9%.

e. Named one recipe identified by customers as requiring attention of some sort providing rationale for its inclusion in the revision process.

f. Drew and listed conclusions reached from the feedback received and assessments undertaken providing rationale for same.

2. Revised four recipes




a. Submitted four recipe revisions.

b. Replaced the recipe that had food cost percentage of 43.7% with a dish that was within required food cost percentage parameters providing evidence of food cost calculations and selling price to prove same.

c. Replaced the recipe that had sold only 2 serves over the month being considered with a dish expected to sell more giving evidence of satisfactory food cost percentage and rationale for its inclusion as a replacement dish.

d. Showed evidence of using the recipe that had proved extremely popular selling 673 serves with a food cost percentage of 28.9% in two other menus.

e. Revised one recipe identified by wait staff as requiring attention of some sort providing evidence of satisfactory food cost percentage and rationale for changes made to the recipe (Note: the change may be a change to the existing recipe, or a replacement of the previous dish).

f. Demonstrated use of spreadsheet software to update recipes on created standard recipe cards.

Learner feedback

Assessment outcome:


Not Yet Competent

Assessor signature

Assessor name


Final comments

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