power point  For this assessment, you will develop an 8–14 slide PowerPoint presentation with thorough speaker’s notes designed for a hypothetical

power point 

For this assessment, you will develop an 8–14 slide PowerPoint presentation with thorough speaker’s notes designed for a hypothetical in-service session related to the improvement plan you developed in Assessment 2 (assessment 2 is down below).

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As a practicing professional, you are likely to present educational in-services or training to staff pertaining to quality improvement (QI) measures of safety improvement interventions. Such in-services and training sessions should be presented in a creative and innovative manner to hold the audience’s attention and promote knowledge acquisition and skill application that changes practice for the better. The teaching sessions may include a presentation, audience participation via simulation or other interactive strategy, audiovisual media, and participant learning evaluation.

The use of in-services and/or training sessions has positive implications for nursing practice by increasing staff confidence when providing care to specific patient populations. It also allows for a safe and nonthreatening environment where staff nurses can practice their skills prior to a real patient event. Participation in learning sessions fosters a team approach, collaboration, patient safety, and greater patient satisfaction rates in the health care environment (Patel & Wright, 2018).

As you prepare to complete the assessment, consider the impact of in-service training on patient outcomes as well as practice outcomes for staff nurses. Be sure to support your thoughts on the effectiveness of educating and training staff to increase the quality of care provided to patients by examining the literature and established best practices.

You are encouraged to explore the AONE Nurse Executive Competencies Review activity before you develop the Improvement Plan In-Service Presentation. This activity will help you review your understanding of the AONE Nurse Executive Competencies—especially those related to competencies relevant to developing an effective training session and presentation. This is for your own practice and self-assessment, and demonstrates your engagement in the course.


Patel, S., & Wright, M. (2018). Development of interprofessional simulation in nursing education to improve teamwork and collaboration in maternal child nursing. 
Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, 47(3), s16–s17.

Professional Context

As a baccalaureate-prepared nurse, you will often find yourself in a position to lead and educate other nurses. This colleague-to-colleague education can take many forms, from mentoring to informal explanations on best practices to formal in-service training. In-services are an effective way to train a large group. Preparing to run an in-service may be daunting, as the facilitator must develop his or her message around the topic while designing activities to help the target audience learn and practice. By improving understanding and competence around designing and delivering in-service training, a BSN practitioner can demonstrate leadership and prove him- or herself a valuable resource to others.


For this assessment, build on the work that you have done in your first two assessments and create an agenda and PowerPoint of an educational in-service session that would help a specific staff audience learn, provide feedback, and understand their roles and practice new skills related to the safety improvement plan you created.


The final deliverable for this assessment will be a PowerPoint presentation with detailed presenter’s notes representing the material you would deliver at an in-service session to raise awareness of your chosen safety improvement initiative focusing on a specific patient safety issue and to explain the need for such an initiative. Additionally, you must educate the audience as to their role and importance to the success of the initiative. This includes providing examples and practice opportunities to test out new ideas or practices related to the safety improvement initiative.

Be sure that your presentation addresses the following, which corresponds to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so you understand what is needed for a distinguished score.

· Describe the purpose and goals of an in-service session focusing on a specific patient safety issue.

· Explain the need for and process to improve safety outcomes related to a specific patient safety issue.

· Explain to the audience their role and importance of making the improvement plan successful.

· Create resources or activities to encourage skill development and process understanding related to a safety improvement initiative.

· Communicate with nurses in a respectful and informative way that clearly presents expectations and solicits feedback on communication strategies for future improvement.

There are various ways to structure an in-service session; below is just one example:

Part 1: Agenda and Outcomes.

· Explain to your audience what they are going to learn or do, and what they are expected to take away.

Part 2: Safety Improvement Plan.

· Give an overview of the current problem focusing on a specific patient safety issue, the proposed plan, and what the improvement plan is trying to address.

· Explain why it is important for the organization to address the current situation.

Part 3: Audience’s Role and Importance.

· Discuss how the staff audience will be expected to help implement and drive the improvement plan.

· Explain why they are critical to the success of the improvement plan focusing on a specific patient safety issue.

· Describe how their work could benefit from embracing their role in the plan.

Part 4: New Process and Skills Practice.

· Explain new processes or skills.

· Develop an activity that allows the staff audience to practice and ask questions about these new processes and skills.

· In the notes section of your PowerPoint, brainstorm potential responses to likely questions or concerns.

Part 5: Soliciting Feedback.

· Describe how you would solicit feedback from the audience on the improvement plan and the in-service.

· Explain how you might integrate this feedback for future improvements.

Remember to account for activity and discussion time.

For tips on developing PowerPoint presentations, refer to:


Capella University Library: PowerPoint Presentations


Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations [PPTX]

Additional Requirements

Presentation length: There is no required length; use just enough slides to address all the necessary elements. Remember to use short, concise bullet points on the slides and expand on your points in the presenter’s notes. If you use 2 or 3 slides to address each of the parts in the above example, your presentation would be at least 10 slides and no more than 15 slides (not including the title, conclusion, or references slides).

Speaker notes: Speaker notes (located under each slide) should reflect what you would actually say if you were delivering the presentation to an audience. This presentation does NOT require audio or a transcript. Another presenter would be able to use the presentation by following the speaker’s notes.

APA format: Use APA formatting for in-text citations. Include an APA-formatted reference slide at the end of your presentation.

Number of references: Cite a minimum of 3 sources of scholarly or professional evidence to support your assertions. Resources should be no more than 5 years old.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

· Competency 1: Analyze the elements of a successful quality improvement initiative.

· Explain the need for and process to improve safety outcomes related to a specific patient safety issue.

· Create resources or activities to encourage skill development and process understanding related to a safety improvement initiative.

· Competency 4: Explain the nurse’s role in coordinating care to enhance quality and reduce costs.

· Describe the purpose and goals of an in-service session focusing on a specific patient safety issue.

· Explain to the audience their role and importance of making the improvement plan successful.

· Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly, evidence-based strategies to communicate in a manner that supports safe and effective patient care.

· Slides are easy to read and error free. Detailed speaker notes are provided. Speaker notes are clear, organized, and professionally presented.

· Organize content with clear purpose or goals and with relevant and evidence-based sources (published within 5 years).

Assessment 2 document for reference

Root-Cause Analysis and Safety Improvement Plan

The chosen issue is staffing shortages within healthcare, a problem that has resulted in significant threats regarding the safety of the clients, quality of healthcare services, and medical functions. Staff shortages increase workloads, medical errors, burnout, and mental health issues among providers (Tamata & Mohammadnezhad, 2022). In addition, it has resulted in a drop in job satisfaction rates and financial challenges in the facilities due to the court case battles. The paper involves an analysis focusing on exploring the key contributors, such as inadequate training programs, high turnover rates, and the tea gig workforce. An improvement plan combines workforce development and workplace wellness, maximizing staffing models. It identifies resources and stakeholders for successful implementation, aiming to maintain high-quality medical services and promote patient and provider well-being.

Analysis of the Root Cause

Describing the Staffing Shortages Problems with the Hospital Setting

The issue of staffing shortages is pervasive as it impacts the healthcare facilities and the long-term healthcare facilities. These facilities demand more qualified healthcare professionals, such as nurses, to help meet the growth in the demand for medical services (Nilsen et al., 2020). The effect is excellent, resulting in a low patient-to-staff ratio, increased waiting times, and compromising the quality and safety of medical services offered to the clients. Healthcare settings experience challenges in achieving a successful process of maintaining adequate staff. The affected routine consists of activities carried out during the night shifts, on weekends, and in specialized units.

Analysis of the Critical Aspects Resulting in Staffing Shortages.

One of the factors leading to staffing shortages is the aging workforce and retirements that outpace the new entrants. A large cohort of healthcare professionals, such as nurses, are approaching their retirement age. It implies that the medical sector needs more skilled professionals and human resources (Haddad et al., 2023). There is also an increase in the population, an aging population, and a rise in chronic disease, which increasingly demands more healthcare providers. Such events lead to an imbalance between the retiring professionals and the individuals getting recruited in the medical field.

The other factor is the high turnover rate due to the cases of long working hours, stress, and burnout. The high turnover rate due to burnout, emotional stress, and extended working hours is increasingly reported in the medical sector. The delivery of medical services is a demanding profession that impacts the providers’ physical and psychological health (Kelly et al., 2020). The extended shifts, the rise in the pressure due to the increased number of patients, and the emotional burden result in the cycle of stress and exhaustion. The quality of medical services the clients receive is affected by the rise in turnover caused by burnout.

Inadequate training and healthcare educators are also other challenges. Medical schools, such as nursing schools, must ensure that they meet the increasing demands of the new professionals. Several factors linked to inadequate training worsen the situation of staffing shortages. These factors include the drop in enrolment rate for the medical programs, inadequate financial support to institutions, and the need for more qualified educators. These factors interfere with the training programs from the scale-up, thus negatively impacting the efforts to meet the rise in the number of skilled medical providers (Tamata & Mohammadnezhad, 2022). The failure to address these factors leads to the poor supply of new medical professionals who enter the workforce, increasing the gap between the medical workers and the increasing demand for the services.

Identification of the Primary Root Causes

The aging medical workforce and inadequate recruitment process lead to staffing shortages in medical facilities. This imbalance is worsened by high turnover rates, burnout, poor working conditions, and emotional stress, creating a vicious cycle of understaffing and rising workload. In addition, insufficient financial support and the shortages of qualified and trained educators tamper with the efforts to expand the training programs. Consequently, it leads to the reduction in the supply of the new providers (Poon et al., 2022). The rise in the demand for healthcare services due to the rise in population, the aging population, and the increased reported cases of chronic diseases results in an increased strain on the existing labor force. Systematic issues, such as inadequate compensation, inflexible work schedules, and the need for career development opportunities, make it hard to attract new professionals and retain existing ones.

Application of Evidence-Based Strategies

Workforce Development Initiatives.

Workforce development programs are critical in addressing the root causes of staffing shortages. Such programs aim to attract more talented and new talents in the healthcare sector. It is also focused on the retention of staff and the enhancement of skills. Under such programs, implementing effective recruitment initiatives is critical (Endalamaw et al., 2024). Medical facilities can engage in partnerships with medical schools to ensure the existence of pipeline initiatives that result in the introduction of students to the medical professions. Such initiatives include shadowing opportunities, mentorship programs, and internships. Early exposure to healthcare professionals increases the chances of learners pursuing the medical profession.
Workplace Wellness Programs

There is a need to ensure support for the mental well-being of the professionals. The measure involves increased access to counseling services, peer support groups, and mindfulness training. The role of the healthcare profession is a straining one. It involves a rise in the level of level, thus making it necessary to support the well-being of the mental status of the providers (Simms et al., 2023). The approach helps prevent burnout and fatigue. Work-life balance programs are part of effective wellness programs. The existence of flexible scheduling options, family-friendly policies, and sufficient time off leads to improved job satisfaction and retention.

Maximization of the Staffing Models

Maximizing the staffing models helps ensure the successful process of upholding the quality of healthcare services. The key features involve implementing innovative strategies for the staff to maximize effectiveness and flexibility (Griffiths et al., 2020). One of the successful approaches is the use of float pools. This is considered a cross-trained staff with qualifications for working in different departments. Those approaches offer the needed flexibility amongst staff and ease the facility’s response to patient census changes.

It is critical to make sure that acuity-based staffing models are successfully executed. The measures help promote making necessary adjustments to the staff levels as per the needs of the patients. Matching staff skills with patient acuity enables healthcare facilities to use human resources (Juvé‐Udina et al., 2020). Such technology optimizes staffing; for example, technology such as AI-driven scheduling instruments and Predictive Analytics results in forecast demands of the professionals and the development of effective schedules.

Improvement Plan with Evidence-Based and Best-Practice Strategies.

The existing comprehensive plan assists in tackling the problem by considering the approach of integrating different activities, policies, professional development programs, goals, and the timeline for the execution procedures. There are various actions, policies, and professional development programs. These include actions, policies, and professional development programs (Kadariya et al., 2023). It involves the creation of teamwork through the involvement of local educational institutions and universities. Some of the activities involve the implementation of mentorship and internship initiatives. It also entails developing a compensation package with the critical features of retention incentives and rewarding bonuses based on performance.

Launching a holistic wellness program through stress management workshops and mindfulness training sessions is also necessary. It also encompasses activities to help promote access to psychiatric services, flexible work programs, and policies appropriate for families (Kadariya et al., 2023). The other approach is optimizing the staffing models and the professional development opportunities. Such approaches include developing the cross-trained float pool helpful in tackling fluctuations, implementing the acuity-based staffing models, and supporting the predictive analytics software for efficient schedules.

Goals and the Desired Outcomes

The program is expected to result in 25% decrease in staff turnover, 20 % increase in staff satisfaction, 20% decrease in overtime hours, 15% improvement in patient satisfaction, a 25% increase in new recruits from partner educational institutions, and a 90% rate in the workplace wellness program within two years. These improvements are attributed to better-staffed and less stressed medical teams, increased recruitment from partner educational institutions, and a higher patient satisfaction rate.

Existing Organizational Resources

The successful implementation of staffing enhancement plans requires the involvement of key stakeholders, including healthcare administrators, policymakers, and regulatory bodies. Healthcare administrators allocate budgets, approve policy changes, supervise the implementation of new staffing models, and ensure alignment between staffing approaches and organizational objectives (North et al., 2022). They champion the enhancement plan, promoting innovation and worker well-being. Policymakers and regulatory bodies advocate for increased financial support for healthcare education and training programs, develop policies promoting workplace wellness and work-life balance, create regulations fostering safe staffing levels, and offer incentives for medical organizations to implement successful staffing approaches.

Healthcare educators collaborate to design critical curricula, offer training for new and advanced skills, participate in mentorship programs, and conduct research on successful staffing approaches. Their expertise enhances the quality and relevance of development initiatives targeting professionals (North et al., 2022). Nursing staff, who form the most significant medical providers, provide valuable information on workflow issues, participate in wellness programs, serve as mentors for new staff and nursing students, and contribute to the development and execution of new staffing models.


Addressing staffing shortages in healthcare is crucial for patient safety and operational efficiency. Factors contributing to this include an aging workforce, high turnover due to burnout, and inadequate training. An evidence-based safety enhancement plan focuses on workforce development, wellness programs, and optimized staffing models. This plan aims to attract new talent, retain current staff, and improve professional growth. By leveraging organizational resources and involving stakeholders, the plan aims to maintain high-quality medical services and support client and professional well-being.

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