Population Health Nursing week 4 Peers response  respond to peers thoughtfully, add value to the discussion, and apply ideas, insights, or concepts

Population Health Nursing week 4 Peers response 

respond to peers thoughtfully, add value to the discussion, and apply ideas, insights, or concepts from scholarly sources, such as: journal articles, assigned readings, textbook material, lectures, course materials, or authoritative websites. For specific details and criteria, refer to the discussion rubric in the Menu (⋮) or in the Course Overview Weekly Discussion Guidelines. 

.Substantial responses successfully show:

evidence of accurately interpreting topical knowledge, identifying relevant arguments, evaluating alternative points of view, justifying key results, explaining assumptions, and/or drawing upon reasonable and thoughtful conclusions.

Posts contain proper spelling and grammar. Student organized the content, the flow was logical and clear, including the use of professional language.

All sources used in discussion post (s) include properly formatted APA in-text citation(s) and full reference (s).

1st peer post:

McKenzie LedbetterMar 25, 2024 at 10:37 PM

Culture, beliefs, and societal values significantly impact health outcomes by shaping individuals’ behaviors, understanding of health and illness, and interactions with healthcare systems. Access to healthcare further influences outcomes because it determines the availability and quality of care received.

Cultural beliefs influence perceptions of health and illness, affecting how symptoms are recognized, when medical help is sought, and the types of treatments considered acceptable (National Institutes of Health, 2021).

Access to healthcare determines the timeliness and quality of care, which are critical for positive health outcomes. Barriers to access can worsen health disparities (National Institutes of Health, 2021).

To ensure that a client’s culture, beliefs, values, and access to care are respected and integrated into their care, healthcare providers can implement several interventions:

1. Cultural Competence Training: Educate staff on cultural diversity and sensitivity to better understand and respect patients’ cultural backgrounds.

2. Patient-Centered Communication: Engage in open dialogue with patients about their beliefs and preferences regarding treatment options.

3. Inclusive Decision-Making: Involve patients and their families in the care process, respecting their cultural practices and decision-making structures.

4. Language Services: Offer translation and interpretation services to overcome language barriers and ensure clear communication.

5. Collaboration with Community Leaders: Work with community figures to build trust and understand community-specific health needs.

By implementing these interventions, healthcare providers can create a more inclusive environment that acknowledges and incorporates diverse cultural perspectives, leading to improved health outcomes and patient satisfaction (Health Policy Institute, 2018).

Health Policy Institute. (2018). Cultural competence in health care: Is it important for people with chronic conditions? Health Policy Institute; GeorgeTown University.

National Institutes of Health. (2021, July 7). Cultural respect. National Institutes of Health (NIH).


2nd peer post:

Darrell Williams

Mar 27, 2024 at 7:13 PM

· Discuss the impact of culture, beliefs regarding health and illness, societal values and access to health care have on health outcomes.

Something that I was horrified to take note of was the Vulnerability and Disease presentation. The slide on “Minorities & Health” showed, “In the US, infants born to African-American women are 1.5 to 3 times more likely to die than infants born to women of other races/ethnicity” (Poverty, vulnerability, & disease, n.d., slide 6). I believe that this is related to access to healthcare. The fact that this is noted in today’s society is horrifying. Communities have healthcare, and while not close, somewhere in the town or city, there are hospitals that can provide care. The broken system prevents a baby from receiving the healthcare that should be afforded to save life. Culture, beliefs, and values all contribute to health outcomes. The way that a family views healthcare can prevent anyone from that family from ever seeking out preventive care or care needed during a healthcare crisis. Societal values also dictate when or if people seek out healthcare. Societal values include the entire spectrum of individual and community behaviors, access, available funding, etc. Societal values encompass the whole picture of a person: how they act, live, where they live, eating habits, access to healthy foods, access to medical care, ability, and willingness to exercise. It is the big-picture view of all of the elements that contribute to the health outcomes of every individual.

· What are some interventions you can implement in the clinical setting to ensure that a client’s culture, beliefs, values, and access to care are incorporated into their care as much as possible? 

This is a topic that should be considered for every patient that we care for. Values, beliefs, and income are all components that must be viewed before prescribing medications, for example. While this is not something that nurses have to be concerned with, we can still ask physicians to prescribe generic drugs to assist the patient in being able to afford the medication. For follow-up appointments, for example, nursing can speak with the patient to see what time of day may allow the patient to return for a follow-up if living a distance from the facility and taking public transportation. Being scheduled later in the day will allow the patient sufficient time to get to the appointment. Asking questions when working with patients will enable nurses to help set the patient up for success, given the patient’s circumstances and willingness to do whatever may be required.

· Use this week as an opportunity to apply this content in practice to achieve the outcome of providing patient-centered care. Find an opportunity to assess a client’s culture, beliefs, values, and access to care (or, if you are not currently practicing in direct patient care, you can determine these with a co-worker or someone in your community). You can also reflect on a previous experience in practice (particularly in your replies to peers).

I questioned an inmate who was being released from jail. A medical provider was seeing him in jail, and the medications prescribed by that provider were released to him. I asked him what barriers he may experience in the continuation of the medications that he had been prescribed, particularly his psych medications. He answered that he would like to continue to take them. With that said, he was released with more than two weeks of his medications, and he agreed that if I called in those prescriptions to the pharmacy near his house, he would pick up a free month of medications. I called in those prescriptions, and the county pays for them to help bridge the gap from release to re-entry into the community. The patient has significant psychiatric problems. I asked the patient if he felt that he was doing better while taking the medications. He answered that he feels much different than when he came to jail. I talked to him about his ability to pay for the medicines and asked if he would have work after release. The patient said that he had reached out to his previous employer, and the employer agreed to take him back upon release. The patient worked in construction, which offers decent pay. Still, before the release, I contacted the case manager to see if he could get a Medicaid application done before leaving to ensure he would have the means to pay for the medications. The Medicaid application was accepted, and he was enrolled as a recent release from jail. The patient commented that the psych provider helped him immensely and that he wanted to continue working with a provider. I made a call to a psych provider in a clinic approximately half a mile from his home, sent over his records, and set up an appointment for him to have his first visit with the provider. I was able to find out a great deal about his limitations, thoughts regarding treatment, ability to eat, etc, and the patient was thankful for the extra effort that was placed on a successful release.


Poverty, vulnerability, & disease. (n.d.). Galen College of Nursing.

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