pls read insructions attached  Bipolar Disorders  Answer the questions below based on the

pls read insructions attached 

Bipolar Disorders 

Answer the questions below based on the following case study.

A 20-year-old woman with a past history of MDD is brought to the local emergency department (ED) by her family. She appears restless, pacing around the waiting room, and her parents say that she has recently been asked to leave her job as a tattoo artist. She has not slept for four nights, and her speech is rapid and quickly wanders off the point. She had recently purchased a $20,000 car and a $40,000 van to jump-start her mobile tattoo business in Naples, Florida. She is very reluctant to remain in the ED department because she has far too much to do and considers it a waste of everyone’s time. She believes that she is far too important to be held back by minions.

1. Summarize the clinical case.

2. What is the DSM 5-TR diagnosis based on the information provided in the case?

3. Which pharmacological treatment would you prescribe according to the clinical guidelines? Include the rationale for this treatment.

4. Which non-pharmacological treatment would you prescribe according to the clinical guidelines? Include the rationale for this treatment 
excluding a psychotherapeutic modality.

5. Include an assessment of the treatment’s appropriateness, cost, effectiveness, safety, and potential for patient adherence to the chosen medication. Use a local pharmacy to research the cost of the medication and provide the most cost-effective choice for the patient. Use great detail when answering questions 3-5.

Submission Instructions:

· Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.

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