PLEASE REVIEW THE INFORMATION BELOW  Final ESSAY 2 Here is a short list of tips for revision: Take a break from your writing before


Final ESSAY 2

Here is a short list of tips for revision:

Take a break from your writing before editing and revising. “After getting your basic ideas onto screen or paper, pull back.  Shift your focus in a small way.  Pour yourself a nice cup of coffee or tea; check your email; or, if time permits, go for a short walk.  Return later and try to look at what you’ve written as if you’ve never seen it before–you’ll be surprised at your perspective.  This technique was especially valuable to me when writing my own books.” – Tracey McBride, book author and blogger.

Write as tightly as possible. “See how many words you can take out and still have it say the same thing.” – Bella Stander, a book publicity consultant.

Let your writing flow. “When you write, don’t stop – don’t self-edit as you go along, just write, even if you think it’s junk.” – Penny C. Sansevieri, a writer’s coach.

Use effective transitions. “The best writing tip I ever received was simply to make sure every sentence naturally flows from the one previous to it.” – GL Hoffman

Let your writing gel. “I leave all copy for 24 hours or at least overnight. By waiting to reread, I am more likely to see errors, typos or vague generalizations.” – Nicole Amsler, freelance copywriter.


Your research project essay will need to be between eight (full) to ten pages in length.
You must address an issue that has at least two sides (email me for topics if you’re not
Effectively address the rhetorical situation – audience, purpose, context
articulate a clear position regarding the issue and argue that position with logical reasons
adequately develop the argument using credible support (research)
acknowledge the opposing viewpoints and employ counterargument or concession
identify and explain the assumptions, contexts, and consequences of the various
Utilize at least 10 credible sources – from scholarly databases, books, etc. (no
google .com sources)
MLA formatting
Read and carefully follow all of the guidelines for MLA on the purdue OWL website.

You will need to incorporate 10 outside sources (Note: does not constitute
a source. into the essay—use paraphrase and/or direct quotations). From these sources at
least 4 need to be books and the rest may be database articles, documentaries, etc.
You will need a Works Cited page at the end of your essay that includes the 8 – 10
Follow these style specifics:
o Only write in third person
o Do not use contractions
o Follow all MLA guidelines

Your research will be for the following reasons:
To establish background or preliminary information.
To support an assertion with facts, statistics, or professional information.
To exemplify an idea with testimony, examples, and the like.
To support the claim
Select a topic that you will enjoy researching and writing about
Read and explore this topic carefully—what are the positions already expressed about
this issue?
Select a specific position that you will assert in your claim. This will be a working claim
that can evolve with your research and growing understanding of your topic.
Begin prewriting activities (i.e., brainstorming to find out everything you already know
about this topic, asking questions, further researching this topic)
Research extensively: include citations or paraphrases. Vary your resources. Do not
depend solely on Internet resources—points will be deducted for not using other
resources such as books, handbooks, journal articles.
Limit web resources to those that include one of these suffixes: edu, .gov., or .org
(unbiased). For any other Internet resources, discuss with me before using.
Wikipedia is not an acceptable website for this paper.
Other guidelines:
For this paper you must use at least 10 outside sources (Note: does not
count as a source).
A clear claim needs to be composed
Present at least three reasons to show the logic of your position. Develop each reason
Write in third person (he, she, him, her, his, hers, they, their, them, etc.) NO first or
second person.
Works Cited—this is part of the document and should appear as the last page of the
document. Document the sources and place in alphabetical order

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