Part 4 Business Ethics

 You just received notification that one of your major suppliers of promotional material has been using dye with heavy concentrations of lead. One item in particular, a coffee mug, has been a popular give away during the past year. You have not received any complaints about your products, but it is possible that lead can leach from the dye during handling, especially when heated in the microwave. The supplier has filed for bankruptcy protection and it is unlikely you have any recourse against them. Part 4 – Response to Ethical Issue – Written (Individual work) Each student will receive an ethical issue for their companies (the companies created in parts 1 to 3) via Canvas part 4 grade comments. This issue is considered confidential and is not to be discussed with any classmates (no, not even group members). Grade is based on thoroughness, how well you foresee stakeholder impact, insightfulness, and realism. Total word count: 800-1000. Submit to the dropbox and to In your submission, copy/paste in your ethical issue and then answer using the following specific sections. 1. Classify the ethical issue (from the lists in chapter 3) and develop a complete decision/response about what you will do to resolve this issue. Do not defer the responsibility for decision making onto anyone else or give a trite, investigate more type of answer. If you feel you need answers based on an investigation, assume your investigation is complete and add in the new information you concluded. Do not leave off with maybe I’ll do this or maybe I’ll do that, it depends. This is not a trick question, there is no acceptable way for your company to wiggle out of the issue so don’t even try. 2. Then describe how your decision/response aligns with or sacrifices your mission, CSR, and corporate culture. 3. Which moral philosophy is best represented by your decision/response (Egoism, Utilitarianism, Deontology, Relativism, Virtue, Justice)? Explain your reasoning for your choice. 4. Discuss the implications of your decision/response for every stakeholder group. Yes each from both primary and secondary – each one specifically. Not a general lumping together. 5. Create a plan to reduce the opportunities for future related issues. 6. Prepare a formal company response (i.e. press release, memo, etc.).

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