Overfelt University Performing a Subcutaneous Injection Paper Nursing Assignment Help

  1. Locate the Elsevier Medical Assisting Procedures Videos under the Course Tools module.
  2. Watch the video(s) for Chapter 30: Performing a Subcutaneous Injection.
  3. Summazie what you learned in the video. The summary should be a minimum of 200 words.
  4. Provide an example of how to document the procedure.

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In the Elsevier Medical Assisting Procedures Videos, students can find valuable resources to enhance their learning experience in the field of medical assisting. These videos are designed to provide step-by-step demonstrations of various medical procedures, allowing students to familiarize themselves with the techniques involved. One such video is Chapter 30: Performing a Subcutaneous Injection. This video focuses on educating students about the proper procedure and technique for administering subcutaneous injections.


The video on Performing a Subcutaneous Injection provides a comprehensive overview of the steps involved in administering medication through the subcutaneous route. The narrator begins by explaining the importance of subcutaneous injections and their application in various medical scenarios. Subcutaneous injections are commonly used to administer medications such as insulin, hormones, and vaccines.

The video emphasizes the importance of proper infection control measures, such as hand hygiene and the use of personal protective equipment. It highlights the significance of identifying the correct medication, dosage, and patient, as well as checking for any allergies or contraindications before proceeding with the injection.

The narrator then demonstrates the correct technique for performing a subcutaneous injection. This includes selecting an appropriate injection site, usually the abdomen, thighs, or upper arms, and preparing the site by cleaning it with an alcohol swab. The video provides a detailed explanation of the various angles and depths at which the needle should be inserted, depending on factors such as patient’s body habitus and the length of the needle.

An essential aspect of the video is the emphasis on patient communication and comfort. The narrator emphasizes the importance of informing the patient about the procedure, explaining any potential side effects or sensations they might experience, and ensuring their consent. Additionally, the video stresses the significance of proper disposal of needles and sharps containers to prevent accidental injuries and needlestick exposure.

Overall, the video on Performing a Subcutaneous Injection offers a comprehensive and detailed guide for medical assisting students. It equips them with the knowledge and skills necessary to perform subcutaneous injections confidently and safely.

Example Documentation:

Patient Name: John Doe
Procedure: Subcutaneous Injection
Date: [Date]

Procedure Details:
– Informed the patient about the subcutaneous injection procedure, including potential side effects and sensations.
– Obtained the patient’s consent for the procedure.
– Verified the patient’s identity using two patient identifiers (e.g., name and date of birth).
– Prepared the subcutaneous injection site by cleansing the patient’s abdomen with an alcohol swab.
– Selected a suitable injection site on the patient’s abdomen, away from any scars or areas of inflammation.
– Assembled the necessary equipment, including the medication vial, syringe, and needle.
– Confirming the medication, dosage, and other relevant details with a second healthcare professional.
– Administered the injection using a 45-degree angle, inserting the needle subcutaneously into the patient’s abdomen.
– Applied gentle pressure to the injection site after withdrawing the needle to prevent any bleeding or leakage of medication.
– Discarded used needles and sharps in the appropriate sharps container for safe disposal.
– Provided the patient with post-procedure instructions, including any potential side effects to monitor for and when to seek further medical assistance.

This documentation ensures a comprehensive record of the subcutaneous injection procedure, following standard protocols and providing a clear picture of the patient’s care.

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