Overfelt Health and Medical Question Nursing Assignment Help


  1. Watch the video(s) for Chapter 31.
    • Measure Distance Visual Acuity

  2. Complete the tasks related to visual acuity.
    1. Explain distance visual acuity.
    2. Explain how to perform a visual acuity test using the Snellen chart.
    3. Explain visual acuity.
    4. Explain how to assess color acuity using the Ishihara test.

Expert Solution Preview

Distance visual acuity is a measure of the clarity or sharpness of a person’s vision at a specific distance. It is an important assessment tool used in ophthalmology to evaluate the ability of an individual to see objects clearly from a certain distance. In this assignment, we will explore the concept of distance visual acuity and the methods used to assess it including the use of the Snellen chart. Additionally, we will discuss visual acuity in general and how color acuity can be assessed using the Ishihara test.

Answer 1:
Distance visual acuity refers to the measurement of how well a person can see objects from a specific distance. It is commonly expressed as a fraction, where the numerator represents the testing distance and the denominator represents the distance at which a normally sighted person could see the same object clearly. For example, if a person’s visual acuity is recorded as 20/20, it means that they can see objects from 20 feet away that a normally sighted person can also see from a distance of 20 feet.

Answer 2:
To perform a visual acuity test using the Snellen chart, the following steps can be followed:

1. The chart should be placed on a well-illuminated wall at eye level.
2. The patient is usually positioned at a distance of 20 feet from the chart, although this can vary depending on local standards.
3. The patient should be asked to cover one eye with an occluder (such as an eye patch or their hand) while keeping the other eye open.
4. Starting from the largest line on the chart, the patient is then instructed to read aloud the letters or symbols on each line, moving from top to bottom.
5. The visual acuity score is determined by the line at which the patient can read at least 50% of the letters correctly. This is typically recorded as the numerator of the visual acuity fraction.

Answer 3:
Visual acuity is a measure of the ability to discern fine details and perceive sharpness of vision. It is influenced by various factors including the health and function of the eye’s structures, such as the cornea, lens, and retina, as well as the neural processing of visual information. Visual acuity is typically assessed using letter charts, such as the Snellen chart, where the patient is required to identify letters or symbols of varying sizes.

Answer 4:
Color acuity is the ability to perceive and distinguish different colors accurately. The Ishihara test is a common method used to assess color acuity. It involves presenting the patient with a series of plates, each containing dots or numbers embedded within a pattern of colored dots. The patient is required to identify the numbers or shapes present. The Ishihara test is particularly useful in detecting color vision deficiencies, most commonly red-green color deficiency. By evaluating color acuity, healthcare professionals can diagnose and manage color vision abnormalities, which may have implications for various professions such as pilots or electricians.

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