Objective: Identify an existing business in one country or region that you believe would thrive in another country or region. Create a concise video

Identify an existing business in one country or region that you believe would thrive in another country or region. Create a concise video pitch outlining your proposal for expanding this business to the new market.


1. Video Pitch

  • Length: 2-3 minutes
  • Content:
    • Introduction: Start with a brief introduction of yourself and the business you have selected. Clearly state the current country/region of operation and the new market you are proposing.
    • Business Overview: Provide a brief description of the business, including its products/services, target audience, and current market success.
    • Market Opportunity: Identify the strategic opportunity in the new market. Discuss why you believe this business would perform well or better in the proposed country/region. Include relevant market characteristics, consumer behavior, or trends that support your proposal.
    • Strategic Fit: Explain how the business aligns with the cultural, economic, or regulatory environment of the new market. Highlight any unique advantages or differentiators that would give the business a competitive edge.
    • Conclusion: Summarize your proposal and reinforce the potential benefits of the expansion. End with a strong closing statement encouraging further consideration of the idea.
  • Format:
    • Ensure your video is of high quality with clear audio.
    • Use visuals (e.g., maps, charts, images) to support your points.
    • Maintain a professional yet engaging tone.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Video Pitch: Upload your video to Brightspace (recommended) or use a platform of your choice (e.g., YouTube, Vimeo) and provide the link.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Clarity and Persuasiveness: How clearly and convincingly you present your proposal.
  • Market Insight: The depth of your understanding of both the current and proposed markets.
  • Feasibility: The practicality of the business expansion in the new market.
  • Creativity: The originality and innovativeness of your proposal.
  • Professionalism: The quality and professionalism of your video pitch.

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