NVCC 65 Year Old Patient with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Case Study Nursing Assignment Help

Your 65 year old patient is here for a 6 month check. He was diagnosed with type II DM (NIDDM) 10 years ago. Blood sugars were variable for the first 2 years after diagnosis but have been relatively stable since. He notes more frequent urination for the past month. He lives by himself in a one-story home. He works full time as a janitor, he smokes 1ppd and drinks 2-3 beers per day. BP is 146/94.

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Based on the provided information, it is evident that the 65-year-old patient with a history of type II diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) is experiencing more frequent urination and has elevated blood pressure. As a medical professor preparing assignments for medical college students, I will provide a comprehensive answer to this content.

The patient’s complaint of frequent urination may indicate an underlying issue related to his diabetes or a separate urological problem. Increased urination, also known as polyuria, can be a symptom of uncontrolled diabetes or a potential complication such as diabetic nephropathy or urinary tract infection. Additionally, it is essential to consider other potential causes such as prostate enlargement, bladder dysfunction, or medication side effects.

The patient’s stable blood sugars in recent years suggest that his diabetes management has been relatively effective. However, it is important to evaluate his current blood glucose control to ensure ongoing management. A glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) test would provide valuable information about his long-term blood glucose control.

The patient’s BP reading of 146/94 indicates that he has hypertension. Given his age, comorbidities, and lifestyle habits such as smoking and alcohol consumption, it is crucial to address this issue promptly. Hypertension is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, stroke, and kidney damage. Lifestyle modifications, including smoking cessation, reducing alcohol intake, and adopting a low-sodium diet, should be emphasized.

Considering the patient’s occupation as a janitor, it is important to assess his physical activity level and potential work-related stress. Regular physical activity can positively impact diabetes management, blood pressure control, and overall well-being. Encouraging the patient to engage in regular exercise or suggesting specific activities suitable for his age and physical abilities would be beneficial.

Formulating an appropriate management plan for this patient should include:

1. Diabetes management: Reviewing the patient’s current antidiabetic medication regimen, emphasizing adherence, and considering adjustments if needed. Incorporating self-monitoring of blood glucose and reinforcing the importance of regular follow-up visits for ongoing management and prevention of complications.

2. Investigating urinary symptoms: Ordering additional tests, such as urinalysis, urine culture, and renal function tests, to evaluate for potential urinary tract infection or diabetic nephropathy. Referring the patient to a urologist if necessary.

3. Addressing hypertension: Recommending lifestyle modifications (smoking cessation, alcohol reduction, low-sodium diet) and discussing the potential need for antihypertensive medication based on further evaluation of the patient’s overall cardiovascular risk.

4. Assessing cardiovascular risk: Considering further investigations, such as lipid profile assessment, to evaluate the patient’s overall cardiovascular risk and determine the need for additional preventive measures or medications.

5. Providing education and support: Offering comprehensive patient education about diabetes management, hypertension control, and lifestyle modifications. Discussing the importance of regular follow-up appointments and compliance with medication regimens. Referring the patient to appropriate resources such as diabetes educators or support groups, if available.

Overall, the management of this patient should focus on optimizing diabetes control, addressing hypertension, and identifying any potential urological or cardiovascular complications. This will require a combination of medication adjustments, lifestyle modifications, and continuous patient education and support to achieve optimal outcomes and prevent long-term complications.

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