NSU Health & Medical Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Paper Nursing Assignment Help

Standardized Patient Experience 

Apply skills learned to participate in a mock patient experience. Students are assigned a patient to
simulate an office visit. This will test your ability to frame your questions to elicit the correct information to aid in diagnosis and
treatment of the patient. This is a mock patient encounter under controlled conditions, yet the student is expected to perform all
necessary functions to elicit information, examine the patient, diagnosis, and develop an appropriate treatment and management.

To complete this assignment, address the following:
1. Assess mock patient.
2. Thoroughly interview patient to elicit appropriate subjective information pertinent to chief compliant.
3. Perform an appropriate exam relevant to chief complaint.
4. Correctly diagnosis patient based on clinical presentation and information elicited and obtained during encounter.
5. Develop an appropriate treatment and management plan based on identified diagnosis include age-appropriate disease
prevention and health promotion.
6. Demonstrate ability to assess disease risk and patient education as indicated.
7. Correctly document findings reflective of patient encounter
8. Complete an abbreviated SOAP note reflective of the patient experience using Microsoft Word.
9. In order to earn all points, address all items in a concise manner.

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To complete this assignment, students must adhere to the following steps:

1. Assess the mock patient:
– Observe the patient’s physical appearance, behavior, and level of distress.
– Assess vital signs, including heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and temperature.
– Gather relevant medical history and determine any pre-existing conditions.

2. Thoroughly interview the patient:
– Ask open-ended questions to allow the patient to provide complete information.
– Use active listening skills to understand the patient’s concerns and priorities.
– Elicit a detailed description of the chief complaint and any associated symptoms.
– Inquire about relevant medical, social, and family history.
– Determine the impact of the condition on the patient’s daily life.

3. Perform an appropriate examination:
– Conduct a focused physical examination relevant to the chief complaint.
– Utilize appropriate techniques and tools to assess the affected areas or systems.
– Document any abnormal findings or pertinent negatives.
– Consider the patient’s comfort and privacy throughout the examination.

4. Correctly diagnose the patient:
– Analyze the information gathered from the assessment and examination.
– Formulate a differential diagnosis based on clinical presentations and findings.
– Utilize critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills to narrow down the possibilities.
– Identify the most likely diagnosis supported by the collected data.

5. Develop an appropriate treatment and management plan:
– Create a comprehensive plan to address the diagnosed condition.
– Consider evidence-based practices, guidelines, and the patient’s individual needs.
– Include age-appropriate disease prevention and health promotion strategies.
– Incorporate any necessary interventions, medications, or referrals.
– Discuss potential risks and benefits with the patient.

6. Demonstrate the ability to assess disease risk and provide patient education:
– Identify any additional risks or potential complications associated with the diagnosis.
– Discuss preventive measures and lifestyle modifications to mitigate risks.
– Educate the patient on the nature of the condition, treatment options, and expected outcomes.
– Address any questions or concerns the patient may have.

7. Correctly document findings reflective of the patient encounter:
– Accurately record the patient’s history, examination findings, and diagnosis.
– Use clear and concise language, while maintaining sensitivity and professionalism.
– Ensure that the documentation is organized and easy to follow.

8. Complete an abbreviated SOAP note reflective of the patient experience using Microsoft Word:
– Use the SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan) format to structure the note.
– Include pertinent subjective information gathered during the interview.
– Document objective findings from the examination.
– Formulate the assessment by stating the diagnosis or differential diagnoses.
– Outline the treatment plan and management strategies in the plan section.

9. Address all items in a concise manner:
– Present the information in a clear and organized manner.
– Avoid unnecessary details or irrelevant information.
– Use appropriate medical terminology and language.
– Proofread and edit the assignment to ensure accuracy and coherence.

By following these steps, students will successfully complete the standardized patient experience assignment and demonstrate their ability to apply clinical skills in a simulated patient encounter.

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