need help to see if this is done correctly. NURN 227: Quality Improvement Seminar Assignment

need help to see if this is done correctly.

NURN 227: Quality Improvement

Seminar Assignment

Assignment Directions

· Review this week’s lecture materials and assigned reading(s).

· Complete this assignment.

· Identify one (1) current workplace clinical problem impacting quality that you have:

a) observed in a clinical rotation,

b) witnessed in your work environment,


c) researched in the literature (e.g., nursing peer-reviewed journal articles).

· Search for two (2) current (within the past 5 years) peer-reviewed research articles that validate and study the identified problem and potential interventions for improvement of the problem.

· On a separate Word document, in APA 7th edition format, do all the following:

a) Describe your identified current workplace clinical problem impacting quality and how it negatively impacts patient care.

b) Regarding the clinical problem, explain what needs to be improved and why it needs to be improved.

c) Identify three (3) specific nursing actions that would be used to correct the problem.

d) Describe how you will know that clinical problem is improved following the implementation of the three (3) nursing actions you identified. In other words, what measurable outcomes are you hoping to see because of the nursing actions?

e) Identify two (2) ways that the workplace can adopt your identified nursing actions and continue to use them in the future of patient care.

· In your paper, be sure to cite your sources (paraphrased or quoted) in APA 7th edition format. Sources should be used to support what you are writing about (e.g., if you say a specific intervention for the clinical problem, you should have evidence from your article to support the need for that intervention).

Revised 3/2024

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