N3425 Holistic Health Assessment Rubric grading of assessment forms One point is subtracted for each occurrence of the following, up to 10 points

N3425 Holistic Health Assessment

Rubric grading of assessment forms

One point is subtracted for each occurrence of the following, up to 10 points or more total for

the form. (Meaning students can’t get an A on the assessment if they use one of the

following 10 or more times.) See rubric for application in each form.

1. NA or Not applicable.

For this class, N/A or not applicable is appropriate only concerning the reproductive

system, if the item refers to a finding or process which does not apply to the sex of

the patient. For instance, date of last menstrual period (LMP): If the patient is male,

putting N/A for that item is allowed.

2. Good. For instance, referring to skin turgor as “good” is not sufficiently specific for

this class. Students need to describe the good finding: Elastic, for instance.

3. Normal. In this assessment class, students need to be more specific. Describing

bowel sounds as “normal in all 4 quadrants” is fine in a clinical setting, but for

purposes of this class, more specificity is required. The term “active” describes what

normal is, and is what is needed here.

4. Within normal limits. Describe what was found, even if that is normal. This makes

you use the terminology—say it. There are examples in the textbook for most


5. Appropriate. For this class, describe what you mean rather than using the

description “appropriate.” The word can be very vague and it doesn’t mean the same

thing every time it is used—the meaning varies with the situation. Use a word that

has a definite meaning!

Here are a couple of things to keep in mind, and they are in table form, below:

When interviewing the assessment partner for the subjective finding, if the partner denies

having a problem, using the word “denies” is not sufficient documentation for that entry.

State what is denied.

Give a full description of findings for each entry, not leaving any blanks.

When describing a finding, state whether it is unilateral (on the left or the right) or bilateral.

Use units of measure: mmHg, millimeters. Your book no longer requires the use of

denominators for reporting strength (___out of 6) or reflexes (__out of 4) so you won’t get

N3425 Holistic Health Assessment

points off for not using them, but they are still a good idea, and we encourage their use in

your assessments and in your employment. Do you remember “off the top of your head”

what a reflex is scored out of: 4, 5, or 6? It is 4, actually, but we can’t all remember for

every assessment! Assume the person reading the form doesn’t know the normal unit, and

you must supply it.

Section of the

(See Grading Rubric)


Format Not


Spelling Incorrect

Font An easily readable font such as Times
New Roman, Ariel, or Calibri



Subjective Data See textbook or examples

Subjective and

Separate subjective and objective data Mixed up

Follow template

Submission per

See Syllabus and instructions late

Describe assessment, avoid using vague
terms such as normal, NA, good, etc.

Uses terms
not allowed

If patient does not have finding, must
state “denies __________”.

States only

Ecomap Detail




Client not on legend

No names – use initials or relationships

Lymph nodes Missing name and / or Bilateral-each

Tonsils Bilateral, 0 to 4+

N3425 Holistic Health Assessment

TMJ Bilateral

Sinuses Percussion and/ or Transillumination

Thyroid No masses and/ or Bilateral/bruits

MSK Name, ROM and / or Bilateral each



Carotid Artery Bilateral



Canal/cerumen Bilateral

Pinna, Tragus,


Neurological Technique (CN 1-Separate scents for
each nostril)

CN name, number and correct test
each error

Reflexes 1+ to 4+

Nails Cap Refill and /or angle with # of digits X10 digits

Resp Rate Breaths per minute Not listed as

Heart Rate Beats per minute Not in

APETM Aortic

Erb’s point
Abnormal heart sound name, grade,

complete in

Pulses Bilateral using amplitude scale in book:
0 – 4+

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