Multiple projects Course Project Overview Table of Contents

Multiple projects

Course Project Overview

Table of Contents

Individual Course Project Presentation


The objective of this Individual Course Project Presentation is to give you the opportunity to recognize and apply the four principles of management
: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling and how they correlate into everyday activities in your selected company.


This is an individual assignment.

In the sections below, you will find helpful information for completing your Individual Course Project Presentation. Your assignment is to review and discover how the company you have chosen developed a successful Forbes Global 2000 company (EXCLUDING the Top 100 companies) by means of utilizing the four principles of management.

This course project is broken down into 3 deliverables.

Each student is required to prepare a total of three (3) voice-narrated PowerPoint presentations.

Steps to Select a Company for your Individual Course Project Presentation

Select and access a 

Forbes Global 2000 companyLinks to an external site.
 of interest and s
elect a company that is not one of the first 100 companies. You may also choose a company with which you are familiar that may not be in the Forbes Global 2000.

Tips For An Effective Presentation

· Follow the 5 by 5 rule for PowerPoint:

· No more than five words per line

· No more than five lines per slide

· Visuals: the use of charts, graphs, and pictures are encouraged

· Presentation time length: 12 to 18 minutes for final submission (4 to 6 minutes for each part)

· Suggest you have a script to follow so you do not get off-topic

Individual Course Project Presentation (Total 220 points)

Instructions: Follow the instructions in the rubric below to complete your Course Project parts 1, 2, and 3. This PowerPoint should be formatted in APA, including a title and reference slide. Please do not use Wiki as a viable source. You are required to have a minimum of 12 slides 
(maximum of 18) and 9 references.

Part 1: Title page, History, Mission/Vision, Code of Ethics/Social Responsibility, and Leadership – Due Week 3

Part 2: Research and Development and Marketing – Due Week 5 
(Parts 1 and 2 combined)

Part 3: Production and Operations, Finance, and Competitive Strategy – Due Week 7 
(Parts 1, 2, and 3 combined)

Grading Rubrics

Individual Course Project Presentation: Part 1 (68 points)




Slide 1 Title Page

Title of your Course Project
Course Name, Your name, Instructor Name, and Date.


Slide 2 History

Research and identify an overview detailing their history.


Slide 3 Mission/Values

Identify company mission and vision statement. [
For faculty only: 
GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT: Student clearly demonstrates how selected leadership theory fosters an appreciation of diversity and value in a global workforce.]


Slide 4 Code of Ethics/Social Responsibility

Identify the company’s code of ethics and any social responsibility initiatives. [
For faculty only: 
ETHICS AND VALUES: Student clearly demonstrates how ethics and values are displayed in the company’s Code of Ethics and social responsibilities initiatives.]


Slide 5 Leadership

Define the top leadership team at the company using an organizational chart. [
For faculty only: 
LEADERSHIP: Student appropriately identifies pertinent leadership within the company and their responsibilities.]


Last slide: References

Minimum of three APA formatted sources
Proper spelling, grammar, and organization are used.


Voice Narration

Added voice narration to every slide except References is clear, concise, energetic and easy to understand.
 [For faculty only: COMMUNICATION: Student’s presentation effectively communicates the Part 1 topics of the company.]


Total Points Possible



Individual Course Project Presentation: Part 2 (combined with Part 1) (55 points; 0 points if not combined)




Slides 6-7 Research and Development

Describe the company’s research & development activities. [
For faculty only: 
RESEARCH: Student clearly demonstrates an understanding of how the company manages their research & development activities.]


Slides 8-9 Marketing

Describe the company’s marketing strategies. [
For faculty only: 
COLLABORATION: Student clearly demonstrates how marketing strategies foster employee collaboration.]


Last slide References

Minimum of three additional APA formatted sources for a total of six references. Proper spelling, grammar, and organization are used.


Voice Narration

Added voice narration to every slide except References is clear, concise, energetic and easy to understand.
 [For faculty only: COMMUNICATION: Student’s presentation effectively communicates the Part 2 topics of the company.]


Total Points Possible



Individual Course Project Presentation: Part 3 (combined with Parts 1 & 2) (97 points; 0 points if not combined)




Slides 10-11 Production and Operations

Describe how the company manages production and operations. [
For faculty only: 
DECISION-MAKING: Student clearly demonstrates an understanding of how the company manages their workforce in operations and production activities.]


Slides 12-13 Finance

Student clearly demonstrates an understanding of how the company manages their financial resources. [
For faculty only: 
DECISION-MAKING: Student clearly demonstrates an understanding of how the company manages financial resources.]


Slides 14-15 Competitive Strategy

Describe how the company creates a sustainable competitive advantage through improving quality. [
For faculty only: 
QUALITY IMPROVEMENT: Student clearly demonstrates how management fosters improving quality and sustainability of a product or service.]


Last slide References

Minimum of three additional APA formatted sources for a total of nine references. Proper spelling, grammar, and organization are used.


Voice Narration

Added voice narration to every slide except References is clear, concise, energetic and easy to understand.
 [For faculty only: COMMUNICATION: Student’s presentation effectively communicates the Part 3 topics of the company.]


Overall Assessment [For faculty only]

Overall assessment of course project as it relates to the eight program objectives which are 4 points each (communication, leadership, ethics & values, research, decision making, global environment, quality improvement, collaboration).


Total Points Possible




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