Moral Panic

write at least eight well-written paragraphs. The first four paragraphs should summarize this three reading(s) (Susan Serrano (2003). Korematsu v. U.S.: A Constant Caution in a Time of Crisis. Koji Fukumura, (2017). When our legal system failed: The Japanese internment camps of the 1940s. Brown, Esbenson, and Geis: Chap. 5. ) The next two paragraphs critique theory with evidence from peer-reviewed journal articles (if a theory was discussed then its strengths and weaknesses). The final two paragraphs must detail theory’s applicability to the paper topic. It should include: highlights of what you learned, particular points that you found of most interest in the readings, your reflections and most importantly, it must include correct citations to the articles used.

#Moral #Panic

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