Module 3 Bodies Discussion & Test Questions For this assignment, write open-ended discussion and multiple-choice questions. Objectives · Develop a

Module 3 Bodies

Discussion & Test Questions

For this assignment, write open-ended discussion and multiple-choice questions.


· Develop a nuanced understanding of course concepts, theories, frameworks, research, etc.

· Critically engage with the readings.

· Contribute to class discussion and course reading quizzes by writing open-ended and multiple-choice questions.

Class & Quiz Contributions

Write open-ended questions you can pose to the class 
and multiple-choice questions for the reading quizzes.

· Provide 
two (2) open-ended questions you still have after you read.

· Provide 
two (2) multiple-choice questions about the readings with four response options (A, B, C, D).

· Indicate the right answer as you see it

· Indicate what reading your questions came from.

· These questions should not all be from one reading.

· Questions should not be plagiarized.

Some questions to consider as you read:

· Identify the research question or problem:

· What are the complexities of this issue? Why study it?

· Knowledge about the topic:

· What do you already know about this topic? What might be the limitations of your thinking on this topic?

· How is what you are reading different from what you already know? Why might this difference exist?

· What new ideas are here for you to consider? Why are you willing or unwilling to consider them?

· What information from this reading selection resonates with you, and contributes to the subject for the week?

· Make connections

· What connections can you make between this reading selection and something else that we have discussed in this course?

· How does this reading relate to other readings in this unit or prior units?

· What’s new or different since the article came out? Have there been any social shifts?

Submission Guidelines

On the due date, submit your assignment following these guidelines:

· 12 pt. Times New Roman or Arial font

· 1-inch margins

· Uploaded as a Word document or PDF (Google Page files are not acceptable)

· Submissions will be graded on spelling and grammar, formatting, organization, and overall quality

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