MHA 543 UOPX Gallup Q12 Employee Engagement Discussion Nursing Assignment Help

Assess your Leadership Skills

Review the questions in the Appendix 3: Glossary. (2007). Guide to Organisation Design, 302–315 page 5 under the heading ‘Gallup Q12’ from the University Library.

Ask yourself these 12 questions to measure employment engagement and contemplate why these questions are effective.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • Do you consider yourself an engaged employee?
  • Did these questions make you think of anything that can be done at your organization to increase employee engagement and performance?
  • Would you add any questions to the list?
  • How can managers in the health care industry utilize these questions?

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As a medical professor responsible for designing college assignments and evaluating student performance, my focus is on nurturing future healthcare professionals with strong leadership skills. However, it is important for me, as an educator and academician, to constantly reassess and enhance my own leadership skills as well. This assignment asks me to evaluate my leadership skills and reflect on ways to increase employee engagement and performance within my organization. Furthermore, it prompts me to consider how managers in the healthcare industry can utilize certain questions to enhance their leadership capabilities.


1. Do you consider yourself an engaged employee?

Yes, as a medical professor, I consider myself an engaged employee. I am passionate about imparting knowledge and skills to my students, and I strive to create a conducive learning environment. By staying updated with the latest medical research, incorporating interactive teaching methods, and fostering open communication with my students, I aim to keep myself engaged and inspire them to remain engaged as well.

2. Did these questions make you think of anything that can be done at your organization to increase employee engagement and performance?

Yes, these questions have prompted me to reflect on ways to enhance employee engagement and performance within my organization. For instance, implementing regular feedback sessions and establishing mentorship programs can provide opportunities for employees to voice their concerns, seek guidance, and develop professionally. Moreover, recognizing and rewarding individual and team achievements can boost employees’ motivation and commitment towards their work.

3. Would you add any questions to the list?

While the current set of questions in the Gallup Q12 framework are effective, I would add an additional question: “Do you feel supported by your superiors in achieving your professional goals?” This question can help assess the extent to which employees perceive that their superiors value their growth and career progression. Supportive leadership plays a crucial role in employee engagement and can foster a culture of continuous learning and development.

4. How can managers in the healthcare industry utilize these questions?

Managers in the healthcare industry can utilize these questions by incorporating them in employee surveys or performance evaluations. Regularly assessing employee engagement levels through these questions can identify areas for improvement and guide managers in implementing targeted interventions. By actively listening to their employees’ feedback, managers can create a work environment that supports growth, encourages collaboration, and fosters a sense of purpose and pride in their teams. Additionally, these questions can serve as a starting point for individual coaching conversations, allowing managers to understand the unique needs and aspirations of their employees, and develop personalized strategies for enhancing engagement and performance.

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