Meat and the Environment

The paper is a term paper, which the topic is open choice. Id like the paper to be written about the benefits of not eating meat on the environment. things that can/should be included is the amount of water that it takes to produce meat (care of and for animals), the greenhouse effects cows have, and other environmental impacts overall eating meat and the production it does. below are the thorough instructions for the guidelines of the paper. One will prepare a well-researched five-page, typed, paper during the semester. The topic will be self-selected and each student will be able to make an argument that is based on the results of careful evaluation of scholarly research (II.1) and available data (II.2, II.3). Students are expected to use evaluative research to develop appropriate solutions to environmental problems using the scientific method (II.4). This paper should be written in a scholarly fashion. This means that the evidence provided for your positions on issues, or your interpretation of historical events, should come from scholarly sources. A scholarly source typically includes peer-reviewed journal articles. These types of sources undergo a rigorous process of evaluation by a panel of peers who are considered to be knowledgeable about a subject, and any claims that are not sufficiently supported and evidenced are treated essentially as untruth. This makes it much more difficult for half-truths, exaggerations, and poor science to get published. Sources that are NEVER considered scholarly include magazines, newspapers, television programs and films, advertising, web sites, etc. For this paper, you will be required to use at least 5 (five) scholarly sources to defend your positions on the topic of your paper. Some popular search engines for finding peer-reviewed journal articles are,, and the Academic Search Premiere website. Non-scholarly sources can be used as well, but do not count towards the minimum source count (per paper). If non-scholarly sources are used, you should use the scholarly ones much more than the non-scholarly ones. If you do not use at least five sources, or if your sources are not scholarly, you will face deductions. Paper should be about 5 pages in length. Paper less than 5 pages or more than 5 pages will face deductions. The page count is based on size 12 Times New Roman (or equivalent) font. If you think I do not know that Courier New takes up more space, you are mistaken. Please double space your text, and do not include a blank line between paragraphs (which MS Word 2007 and up do by default). Also, your reference list or title page does NOT count as a part of the page limit. Format: The paper should follow the format of the American Sociological Association (ASA). This format outlines how the references should be cited within the text as well as in the bibliography/references section. If you do not follow the ASA format, you will face a deduction. The website provides a good, and free overview of the ASA format. PLEASE refer to the website while writing your paper. If the paper is cited using another format, or uses the ASA format incorrectly, you will face deductions. Remember, improperly citing materials, or not citing them at all can be a form of plagiarism. You do not need a title page, or an abstract, which this format typically includes, and the works cited/bibliography does not count as a part of the page count for the paper. When writing a scholarly paper on any topic, you need to make some sort of an argument. This argument should be clearly stated at the end of the first or second paragraph, and should be the basis for everything else you say in the paper. The conclusion should remind the reader of what you were arguing, and how you defended your views. . Recap: 5 scholarly sources 5 pages ASA format

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