Literary Review of Your Topic 1.     You will write a literary review over two articles you have pulled from the

                                        Literary Review of Your Topic

1.     You will write a literary review over two articles you have pulled from the website,,, and the school library database.

2.     You will review each of the articles and summarize their information and cite the information accordingly. 

3.     In a final paragraph, you will discuss your findings and reflect on your own thoughts and feelings about the information and how the information could be applied in real world application. Given that this discussion is your own ideas, emotions, and conclusions, you will not need to cite this paragraph.

4.     Add a “Works Cited List” on a separate page listing the three articles accordingly so that the reader would be able to successfully pull and review the articles.

5.     Each paper will include a header as displayed above illustrating your name, the title, Literary Review on Your Topic, and date.

6.     Each paper will include a footer as displayed below with the page number.

7.     As this is a Lifespan and Development class, your paper needs to be directed toward development and lifespan such as illustrating an age bracket or how the subject relates to or impacts lifespan or development.

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