Learning Assessment #4 Please complete the following steps as your Learning Assessment. This Learning Assessment serves as your exam, therefore do

Learning Assessment #4

Please complete the following steps as your Learning Assessment. This Learning Assessment serves as your exam, therefore do not share your answers otherwise it will be considered as academic dishonesty. Please refer to the syllabus for consequences of Academic Plagiarism. This Learning Assessment is worth 100 points.

The purpose of this assignment is to help you learn how to identify and apply a key theoretical idea and its application to real world issues.

Step 1: Identify a misconception or myth about a psychological disorder(s).

· Some examples of a misconception include individuals who have Schizophrenia are more dangerous; individuals with Bipolar cannot hold steady jobs; mental health disorders are a result of a character flaw and people can “snap out of it”; it’s impossible to prevent a mental health condition.

· You can review lectures and slides that went over “myths versus reality” to help you delve deeper and decide.

Step 2: Identify 2 peer-reviewed articles that address your topic.

Below are links to help guide you in your search.


PsycARTICLES :Psychology database that contains full-text articles from highly-cited and landmark journals published by the APA, its imprint the Educational Publishing Foundation (EPF), and from allied organizations including the Canadian Psychological Association and the Hogrefe Publishing Group. 
Click here for title list.



Step 3: Create a PowerPoint (or another similar type of video presentation) of 10-15 minutes in length.

· Include your selected misconception.

· Summarize, compare, and contrast the findings with your textbook and peer-reviewed articles in a PowerPoint presentation.

· Provide a possible solution to address your topic based on your research.

· Conclude with what was learned from your research.

· Include a reference page at the end – cite all sources according to APA.

Step 4: Record the presentation with audio (again: keep it to a 10-15-minute maximum). You may include a video of yourself as well, though this is not required. Here is a “how-to” guide from wikihow: 

Links to an external site.
 and another guide from Microsoft Support Center if using this tool: 

Links to an external site.

Step 5: Submit your presentation
via Canvas

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