Judaism: The Individual Report (IR) for session four will be done on

Individual reports will be submitted for each session on one of the two world religions listed below. Each individual report will be composed off-line and then uploaded onto the course site through the submission tab on this assignment. In order to easily recognize your assignment, please save it in the following format: “Last name_IR_sessionfour.” Each individual report is due on. of the session week to which it has been assigned.

The Individual Report (IR) for session four will be done on either Judaism and Islam. The completion of the IR is to be done in MLA along with a works cited section . The reports should at a minimum include the following: An expansion on the bullet information given from the Data Sheet on World Religions (see below).

The report should be about 2-3 pages in length. An file example of an IR report on Christianity is attached below and may be used to help you organize your reports. You may organize the report information as you desire, but ensure to address each area. You will find a lot of information, so work it down to the basics for the report. Key is your ability to think critically about the ideas of comparison and contrast with Christianity. Think about large areas here as your starting point: Monotheism or Pluralism, Salvation, Afterlife, Heaven/Hell, Suffering and Justice. This will enable you to think about how each faith thinks and addresses these ideas. Let the religion you research guide the areas you address. 

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