Investigate ethical-legal principles and dilemmas related to health care. Wendy RN, has worked at Hope Hospital for over three years in the

  Investigate ethical-legal principles and dilemmas related to health care.

Wendy RN, has worked at Hope Hospital for over three years in the pediatric unit. She has accepted the day shift assignment consisting of five pediatric patients under the age of 10, three RSV patients and two sickle cell anemia patients. Two of the patients have mothers in attendance, the remainder have no family member or caretaker.

Wendy is working with Lisa RN, who has less than one year of experience working at Hope Hospital and has recently cross trained to the pediatric unit.

Wendy has a half hour to go on her shift and has just completed all duties addressing patient care when she receives a text message from her husband alerting her that her son was injured during a football game and is on his way to the community hospital in that town.

Wendy informs Lisa that she has to leave and why and that she can get all the information regarding her patients from each patient chart. Wendy informs Lisa to report to the oncoming shift which will be Susan RN and quickly grabs her coat and leaves.

Susan working the pm shift arrives on time and looks for Wendy for report. Lisa who sees Susan quickly comes down the hall to notify Susan that Wendy left in a hurry and that she is the only nurse on the floor for the last half hour. Susan asks Lisa for a report, and Lisa states she did not get a report by Wendy regarding each of her patients but that she was told by Wendy that all documentation on each patient was completed.

Susan RN has been a nurse for over five years in the pediatric unit. She quickly notifies the nurse manager of what occurred and proceeds to provide her nursing responsibilities and duties to each of the five patients. Susan notices upon entering the room of the 4-year-old RSV patient that the oxygen is no longer in use and that the child is exhibiting signs of respiratory distress. Susan also notices IV infiltrate in the patient’s right hand which is puffy and sore when palpated. Susan is notified of the demise of the child a day later.

A year later, Wendy is notified to meet with the risk management and legal departments concerning an incident related to a 4-year-old RVS patient she provided care to.


1. Write an introduction on abandonment and the role of the nurse.

2. Explain the ethical implications of abandonment.

3. Determine the legal implications of abandonment related to either civil or criminal law.

4. In your future role as a nurse educator, an executive leader, or nurse practitioner, select methods to support accountability in the prevention of malpractice.

5. Write a conclusion presenting key takeaways.

This paper should be 3-4 pages in length, not including title and reference pages.

Be sure to include scholarly resources to support your written work.

Assessment Requirements:

Before finalizing your work, you should:

· be sure to read the assessment description carefully (as displayed above);

· consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary;

· utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors; and

· review APA formatting and citation information found in the Academic Success Center, online, or elsewhere in the course.

Your writing assessment should:

· follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)

· be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;

· display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and

· use APA 7th edition formatting and citation style.

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