Introduction to Business and Society 2018-19 SOSC 1340/1349 A Essay 2

Due: IN LECTURE Feb 13 (through Turnitin on Moodle, and hard copy in lecture) Length: 6-8 pages/1500-2000 words (double spaced, 12 point font, 2.5 cm margins) Value: 20% Late essays will be subject to a -2% penalty per day *[Students will be permitted to resubmit through Turnitin after correcting errors revealed by the similarity report, subject to late penalty. Please contact me if you need assistance.] Synthesizing Course Materials You are required to draw on one of the films Surviving Progress or The Corporation or the creative readings by Rice, Garrett and Steinbeck to illustrate your understanding of the key concepts raised in the text(s) you will be analyzing. The essay writing process involves several preliminary stages: formulating a working thesis, organizing your notes and constructing an essay plan. Please review the guidelines and SPARK links from the first essay instructions. Independent Research You are writing a ‘persuasive essay’ which involves some research.

You will need to find and use two secondary ACADEMIC sources for this essay (no Wikipedia,, etc.). You MUST use proper referencing techniques and engage in textual analysis. Failure to properly and consistently document and acknowledge your sources constitutes PLAGARISM and makes you subject to academic sanction. Instructions Pick one of the essay topics below. DO NOT simply answer the questions in the order that they appear in the topic. The order of presentation is something you need to think deeply about: you need to think about what it is that you want to say and the order that it would be best to say it in order to show how well you understand the concepts, issues and arguments under consideration. Return to your introduction after you have completed your draft to ensure that the order of presentation you outline here corresponds to the structure of your essay. 

#Introduction #Business #Society #SOSC #Essay

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