Instructions: Respond to each peer in 1 paragraph . Using 7th ed and 2 citations. Citations must be within 5 years .  Peer 1 :  One of the health problems

Instructions: Respond to each peer in 1 paragraph . Using 7th ed and 2 citations. Citations must be within 5 years . 

Peer 1 : 

One of the health problems found in the data collection of the community selected for the windshield survey is obesity. Norris (2020) explained that obesity and overweight result from an energy imbalance of eating too many calories and not getting enough physical activity. Moreover, many factors contribute to the body’s development and response to control it. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2022a) explained the factors that contribute to obesity. The factors that contribute to excess weight gain are eating patterns, physical activity levels, sleep routines, genetics, social determinants of health, and certain medications. Psychological factors, environmental factors, culture, and socioeconomic status may also contribute to obesity (Norris, 2020).

Statistically, the prevalence of obesity among adults in every state in the United States is more than 20% and in the state of South Carolina the prevalence of obesity is 35% (CDC, 2023). For children, the prevalence of obesity in the United States is 20% (CDC, 2022b). In Florence County (South Carolina), the adult obesity prevalence in 2023 was 42% (County Health Rankings & Roadmaps, n.d.). Stanhope and Lancaster (2022) explained that getting physical exercise regularly can prevent disease, maintain health, and promote health. The health risks of families and communities can decrease when paying attention to diet and exercise.

Obesity has an impact on individuals, families, groups, communities, and the United States as a nation. Obesity affects overall health and quality of life of individuals, the nation’s health, military readiness, and the economy, such as medical care costs (CDC, 2022b). For example, the medical care total cost of obesity in South Carolina for the year 2022 was estimated at over seven billion dollars (South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Services, n.d.). The United States healthcare system spends about 173 billion dollars on obesity annually (CDC, 2022b). Regarding military readiness, only 40% of young adults are weight eligible and physically prepared for basic training (CDC, 2022b). This can impact the nation. Obesity affects some groups of people more than other groups, with non-Hispanic black adults having the highest prevalence of obesity (CDC, 2023). Obesity can have a lasting impact on families and communities, too. Children with obesity are more likely to become adults with obesity (CDC, 2022b). Obesity is also linked to many diseases, such as heart disease. Tsao et al. (2022) explained that the core health behaviors, such as diet, physical activity, and weight contribute to heart disease.


During data collection activities in Camden, SC the incidence of obesity was identified as being a major health problem in Kershaw County. Defined as having a body mass index of (BMI) of 30 or greater, obesity has detrimental effects on health and is linked to significant health problems (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2022). Preventing and/or reversing obesity would go a long way in improving the overall health of this community.

The problem of obesity is multifactorial and rooted in an individual’s genetic makeup, environment, and health behaviors. Physical inactivity, compounded by lack of local parks and car ownership, contribute to obesity in Camden. Only five percent of Kershaw County’s residents live within walking distance to a park (U.S. News and World Report, 2022). Additionally, the high cost of fruits and vegetables and eating a diet of cheap, high-calorie and processed foods is likely a factor as well (Nguyen & El-Serag, 2010). 

According to County Health Rankings & Roadmaps, with 40% of its residents having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or greater, Kershaw County is well above the South Carolina state average of 37% and the national average of 32% (2023). For this community and state, the consequences of obesity are dire. Obesity increases the risk for chronic health conditions such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, osteoarthritis, and gall bladder disease (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2022). The incidence for hyperlipidemia in Kershaw County is 38.4% and diabetes occurs at a rate of 11.2% (CDC, 2019). Nationwide, medical costs for obesity-related treatments were $173 million in 2019 (CDC, 2019). 

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