Instructions: Please choose one pediatric health condition learned in the course. Once the health

Please choose one pediatric health condition learned in the course. Once the health condition is chosen (SCABIES), you are to write a three-to-five-page paper in APA format 7th edition, title page and reference page do not count toward page total and with the following sections and level 2 headings and with the following sections and level 2 headings:

References At least 3 scholarly references no later than 5 years old. 0 Plagiarism. 


-Brief overview of pediatric health

-Introduce the disease condition chosen

-Importance of understanding the condition

Presentation of Condition

-Describe the condition chosen and its pathophysiology.

-What signs/symptoms are identified in the patient that can be found?

-Identify if there can be presentation variations based on culture, race, ethnicity, age, etc.

Diagnosis of Condition

-Diagnostic testing (include imaging, labs, and other necessary evaluations based on condition)

-Clinical evaluation via medical history and physical examination

Treatment of Condition



-Managing symptoms (if needed)

-Non-pharmacological treatments (if applicable)

Potential Health Risks if Left Untreated

-Physical and mental health risks

Recent Evidence-Based Advancements in Condition

-Choose one evidence-based treatment that has shown to improve condition within the last 5 years.

-Briefly summarize the treatment and results.


-Recap points discussed in paper

-Importance of management and early diagnosis (if applicable)

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