Instructions of the final project Final Project (Written Report 25%; Presentation/Demonstration 10%): Total 35%

Instructions of the final project

Final Project (Written Report 25%; Presentation/Demonstration 10%): Total 35%


The purpose of the final project is to encourage students to design a training session for a selected public agency to fulfill the related goals of public management. The designed training session should be aligned with one of our weekly topics (i.e., social equity). The designed training will be demonstrated with slides. The demonstration slides and written report—which articulates the design purposes, design contents, and anticipated effects—should be submitted no later than Oct. 11th. The following sections respectively address the requirements of the designed training program, proposal, presentation, and written report.

The Designed Training & Demonstration (10%)

Format. The training design should be interactive, incorporating various methods to engage participants and avoid one-way communication.

• Topic. The topic should relate to weekly class topics (Equitable housing practices addressing racism and economic inequality

• Contents. The designed training should include, but not limited to, (1) Introduction: Define the purpose and outline the procedures of the training, (2) Explanations: Discuss relevant concepts related to the topic, (3) Examples: Provide cases or examples illustrating the topic, (4) Interactive activities: Include some activities to facilitate participation, and (5) Assessment: Demonstrate how the participants’ learning outcomes will be measured (i.e., FAQs, short quiz, role playing, or group discussion…etc.).

• Demonstration. Submit a file of slides (15-20 pages) that demonstrates the training.

• Others. (1) The training should last between 30 to 60 minutes. (2) A sample from New York State is available on Canvas for reference

The Written Report (25%)

The emphasis of the written report is describing the rationale of the designed program. The related elements are explained as follows.

• Introduction. Present the selected agency and its needs, as described in the proposal. Clearly state the training program’s objectives.

• Design rationale. Explain the overall design of the training and its rationale. For instance, if a case of racial discrimination is included, justify its relevance and what insights it provides.

• Preliminary evaluation. Conduct a preliminary evaluation to demonstrate that the training meets the identified needs and is likely to be effective.

• Notes: (1) Required length: 5-7 pages. (2) All figures/ pictures/ tables should be placed in the appendix section. (3) There should be a reference list indicating what sources have been cited (in a separate page)


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