Instructions: Complete the three (3) module activities listed on this Module Worksheet and then submit this completed Module Worksheet to the Please

Instructions: Complete the three (3) module activities listed on this Module Worksheet and then submit this completed Module Worksheet to the

Please cite your sources and include full references.


Module 1: Adult Learning and Education


First, complete these four items:

· Read chapter 
16 Socializing and Educating Staff for Team Building in your Marquis & Huston text (pay special attention to adult learning and education)

· View the YouTube video regarding M Knowles Andragogy Theory titled 
The Adult Learning: Not Your Typical Student (Schnieders, 2014) at (3m:44s)

· View the YouTube video 
Adult Learning Style Preferences (Caruso, 2014) at (3m:37s)

· Watch required LinkedIn Learning video: 
Instructional Design Essentials: Adult Learners (2014) at   (45m:34s)

· Read lesson planning tips at 

Now, using the video and reading as references, explain below at least 3 differences between adult and child learning theories (50-100 words total).


[Insert your answer here.]


Designing a Teaching Plan:  Construct a teaching plan for the aide in the following scenario using adult learning theories and principles presented in both the reading and video as references (at least 250 words or one page)

· Read lesson planning tips at 

· Lesson planning: What is required? At  Note: you are not required to include all the items in this video as you are not in the role of a classroom teacher, but please include the following items:

Include these items in your teaching/learning plan:

· Title of the Lesson Plan

· Context of Lesson (Is this for an employee, patient, or family member)

· Include one or two learning objectives

· Describe the learning activities

· Explain the content to be learned

· How would you assess that the learning occurred?


You have been working in a home health agency for 3 years.  During that time, the acuity of your caseload has increased dramatically, and you find that teaching home health aides has become more difficult as the equipment they need to use has become more complex.  The home health aides seem motivated to learn, but you believe that part of the difficulty lies with how you are presenting the material.  Many of them have a limited knowledge of nursing procedures.

One of your clients is Mr. Jones, who has no family.  His insurance company has approved a visit from a home health aide every other day to bathe him and help him ambulate with a walker.  Because of his severe chronic respiratory disease, he must be ambulated with oxygen but does not need it when resting.  Today, you have scheduled a session with Mr. Jones’ home health aide for a demonstration and return demonstration on how to connect and disconnect the oxygen and how to use the walker.  The aide is very competent in basic hygiene skills, but she has not always used good body mechanics when providing patient care and seems intimidated by new equipment.


[Insert your answer here.]

Module 2: Socializing and Resocialization


First, complete these 3 items:

· Read chapter 
16 Socializing and Educating Staff for Team Building in your Marquis & Huston text (pay special attention to socialization and resocialization)

· Read this required article: Duclos-Miller, P. A. (2011). Successful graduate nurse transition: Meeting the challenge.
 Nurse Leader, 9(4), 32-35. at (Note: you will need to enter your StarID and Password; then when the site opens, click on “Download PDF” to see the entire article.

· Watch this Required LinkedIn Learning video: 
Onboarding New Hires as a Manager at (32M:3S)


Now, create 5 specific strategies you might use as a leader to onboard/socialize a new nurse to your team at your place of work (approximately 125+ words).  Use both readings and the video as references.


[Insert your answer here.]


Module 3: Mentoring


Complete these 3 items:

· Read chapter 16
 Socializing and Educating Staff for Team Building in your Marquis & Huston text (pay special attention to role models, preceptors and mentors, and coaching)

Preceptors and Mentors are not the same thing!

· Preceptors and preceptees are assigned for orientation.

· Mentors and mentees self-select themselves for long-term relationships.

· The difference between preceptors and mentors: 

· Hnatiuk, C. N. (2012). Mentoring nurses toward success. 
Med-Surg Matters
21(5), 9-11. Available from 

· Watch required LinkedIn Learning Video: 
Mentoring Others (2015) at  (14m:5s)


Now answer the following:  You have been precepting a novice nurse who was recently hired on your unit.  Things have gone well.  The novice nurse is nearing the end of their orientation.  The nurse asks if you will continue to mentor them and you agree.  
First, explain the differences between a preceptor and mentor. 
Then, create guidelines for facilitating this mentoring relationship such as what can you do on your part, what can the nurse do on their part, and what can you do to work together to facilitate and foster this relationship.  (Your response should be 125+ words.) Be sure to cite all 3 above sources.


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